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Alriiiiight, time for the post everyone was looking forward to. The most popular, highly demanded Moemon by miles! I mean, who doesn't catch a full team of Paras once they get to Mt. Moon and main them all the way to League?

In all seriousness, no one picks Paras. She's too weak! Well, that's what people tell me, I don't discriminate and always catch one. Anyways, her outfit was spot and easy to translate to Koikatsu. I don't know why she has this weird Chun-Li thing going on, that question should be left up to the sprite artist (does Chun-Li like Mushrooms or something?)

I also have no idea why Paras is serving Mushroom pancake things.

Anyways, I could have used regular hair buns for the top, but in the spirit of adding Fungi to girls' heads (aka, Gloom), I figure Paras deserves some real Mushrooms on her head. You never know, maybe Mushrooms are good for the hair, or something.

I knew from that very start of this project which Moemon I might have the most difficulties with, and Parasect was the first one that I thought "Hmm, don't know how I do this, but I'll worry about it later."

Well, it's later. And thankfully I found the necessary hat (you should have seen the abomination I had before this), I simply just messed with the texture in the Material Editor - a neat little mod by DeathWeasel. I'm not the best at it, and still need more practice, but I think the outcome looks good. If I ever improve it, it will be updated.

Oh, and one other thing to note about Parasect. I never realized why Parasect had glasses on in her Moemon sprite, but I think I figured out why.

I threw some glasses on Parasect in Koikatsu and turned down the transparency of the glasses, and this is the result:

So that's kinda spooky. But wait.. it looks like the actual Pokemon here:

And then I realized, Parasect has no irises.

But since the above is the stuff of nightmares, I made the glasses transparent. She's much cuter that way, imo.

Anyways, here are the cards!

Paras - https://files.catbox.moe/bzc1ie.png

Parasect - https://files.catbox.moe/20x5v7.png



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