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Hey all,

I am trying out a new format to answer questions by recording an answer at the end of regular videos. So please leave questions in response to this post.

As I mentioned previously, I am not a fan of "regular Q&A" videos. They are all over the place regarding the content and I like to make videos with a thematic focus. However, I do think Q&A are great in principle and a fantastic way to answer some questions you might have. I have seen other YouTube channels do short post-video Q&A, and it looks like a good way to integrate it. Let's try this out for a quarter or two and see where it takes us! 

Thanks for the support!




Frank C

Greeting everyone from Ventura, California. Chris, as you're going through archives in Germany, are you finding ample research material to choose from, or, is there cases where there are no good records / research material because they were destroyed?

Jim Smitty

I'm wondering if you could give a short list of good books on interwar air theory and aircraft of this time period?


Both. Some times an abundance of things (incl. inconsequential stuff), and sometimes nothing at all. The best finds are the ones you don't expect, since the containing folder gave no indication that a random important file was inside of it.


I'd say start with Rhetoric and Reality by Tami Davis Biddle. It is not about aircraft, and certainly not technical, but a great summary of how US-British air doctrine developed and how it reached its limits in WW2. A similar standard book for German is Corum's ' The Operational Air War'. However, the books can be somewhat academic in nature, few pictures, lots of text - posts and notes help :) (also answering this in an upcoming video)

Alex Ravn

It is my understanding that awacs aircraft essentailly are giant flying radar dishes and anti radiation missiles are made to be fired from a very long range. Why not use anti radiation missiles to take down awacs aircraft?


Good question. I would say, the a2a missiles already cover the requirement but can’t be used for A2G with their seekers eg it makes sense to reserve the anti-radiation missiles for ground based radar.