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I figured we might as well end the week on a positive, motivational note. If you're nearly finished with a project or stuck mid journey, here's your sign to keep going. I hope you all had a fantastic week and I hope that greatness follows you into February.

I have some big plans for 2021. I feel like I say this a lot, but these plans are VERY BIG. Like life changing big.

As you all know, recently I have been pushing HARD. Pushing to take commissions, pushing to make time for more personal work, pushing to keep up with streaming and among all that, even pushing to find time to rest. They aren't kidding when they say an artist's work is never done (they do say this, right?) but it wasn't until the past few years that I really realized just how much work goes into everything a content creator does behind the scenes. Sometimes I feel like I belong in a circus because this job seems more like a balancing act than actually being an artist.

I tried to make a funny, but really - its a lot!

Jokes aside, I'm slowly beginning to realize that if I'm going to keep up this pace, or at the very least maintain my sanity, I'm likely going to need to pick and choose the things that I do. And while I sit here possibly on the very cusp of making a transition into my own projects FULL time (that means patreon content 100% of the time), I fall just short.

So this is my call to action to all of you.

A call to action to all of the wonderful people who have made this possible. All of the wonderful faces who come here to see my art on a regular basis. All of the kind people I've come to know and truly, genuine love. I am so beyond grateful for your continued generosity because without it this reality would've forever remained a pipedream.

If all existing patrons raised their pledges to $3 or more, I would be able to focus 100% on twitch and patreon content. That means exclusive art content, more daemon babes, and of course all the same great art we're already sharing. It would be a tight budget to start but I'm no stranger to hardship and this means the world to me. I'm ready to do it.

You can even receive additional rewards in your mailbox every month if you pledge $10+ or more. Trust me, I pour a lot of love into those little hand written packages, along with prints, and I'd be beyond happy to send some of that love your way.

I know times are tough right now, and art is a luxury, so I completely understand if this isn't possible. Even your consideration means the world to me and the fact that you've already sacrificed something for me is incredible.

But don't forget the power of the internet! If you can't raise your pledge, consider showing the artwork here to a friend who might be interested in becoming a patron. Tell a sibling, or a parent, or an uncle. Be sure to let them know that they will have, in their big part, helped make my dream - a dream I've had since I was far too young to know any better, far too young to be told I couldn't do it - come true.

And together we can do anything. <3




I’ve pledged $10/mo since the beginning because you are an interactive, talented, funny human with a GIFT! I will pledge more, because you deserve it. n_n I might go quiet for lengths of time, but your monthly note with little extras are such a welcome happiness to my every-day life. :3 Big hugs!!!


Jessibelle this means everything to me. &lt;3 You've been so incredibly generous and even kinder with your words, thank you is not enough but I will say it anyway!! Thank you!!


😄😘 Stahp, you’re so amazing! Life is bananas for everyone right now, and art is a beauty we could all afford! Legit only cutting out one extra vita-loaded-tea a month... and lord knows I need to cut out more caffeine. 😆 Keep doing you! I’m a proud supporter!


LOL Don't we all. Now you're making me want a coffee and it's FAR too late in the evening for that. But I digress... More art to come, thanks to you! Appreciate you bunches. &lt;3

Grace Zhu

You and your art are such an inspiration ^^ I may not be able to pledge for too long but I hope to help contribute a little to your success! Wish you the best~


I appreciate that so much Grace!! You're absolutely wonderful for thinking of me!