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!!This mod is compatible with the July 23rd Lovestruck Patch (with Zerbu's fix)!!

  • Zerbu has created a mod to fix custom preference categories! My Occult Preferences mod has now been added to the list, so if you have both his mod and mine, it will be compatible with the Lovestruck patch! :) Get the Custom Preferences Mod HERE and be sure to thank Zerbu for his work!! :)



  • Fixed a bug that caused crashes when using the randomize preferences button.


  • Updated STBL files to fix an issue where pronouns disappeared after the last patch. If you host translations for any of my mods, you'll want to update all references that use this token: {MA.String}{FA.String} and replace it with this: {M0.String}{F0.String}

Hello all!

This is the first iteration of the Occult Preferences mod! This mod introduces Likes and Dislikes that are directed at EA's occults from various packs, specifically Aliens, Ghosts, (Humans are included as an option as well), Mermaids, Plantsims, Spellcasters, Vampires, and Werewolves. I have plans to add more to this mod and include more occults as time goes on, but here's what the mod currently contains:

- Several social interactions that include talking about topics relating to occult creatures, specific interactions directed at occult sims themselves, and even some interactions that reference the likes/dislikes themselves.

- Many buffs have been added that will pop up in special circumstances. (Eg. seeing vampires feeding, flirting with occults, being a sim that dislikes their own occult, etc.)

- New whims that may appear when seeing or interacting with an occult that your sim likes or dislikes.

- Sims who dislike their partner's occult can ask them to give up their occult abilities, which the partner sim will have to either accept or decline and doing one or the other will have an effect on their relationship. *This only applies to Mermaids, Plantsims, Spellcasters, Vampires, and Werewolves, since the game has established ways of removing those occults through gameplay.

- Several interactions have been altered so the sim's like/dislikes affect the outcome. (Eg. sims who like vampires will always agree to feed vampires plasma AND can even offer their plasma willingly, werewolves who don't like their occult won't be able to turn others into werewolves because they don't want to pass on their affliction, sims who dislike ghosts will always react negatively to possession or being scared by a ghost, etc.)

- Sims will now react to occults based on their likes/dislikes. (Eg. Sims who like werewolves won't run in fear from rampaging werewolves, sims who dislike plantsims will be irritated by their prescence, etc.)

Future Plans:

- As of now, this mod only includes EA's occults, but I have plans to add more package files with preferences for the occults from my mods.

- I plan to add more interactions, buffs, gameplay, possibly relationships, etc. to the mod and incorporate this mod into my other occult mods.

- I will be adding new occults to this mod if any more are released in future packs.


Installation is the same as my other mods, but MAKE SURE to place the .ts4script file DIRECTLY IN THE MODS FOLDER.


This mod should be compatible with most mods, as long as they don't alter the broadcaster loots for vampire drinking interactions or the interaction for reacting to ghost possession.

Thanks for downloading and most importantly, enjoy! :)




im so excited for growing together but i also know a lot is gonna break. do you think things like preferences will be impacted due to them actually affecting compatibility now? im trying to preemptively remove what i can


I really love the interactions you put in here. It does get a little overpowering though since they become the only options that pop up. Maybe dial it back for recommendeds and consider creating a sub folder in the interactions to keep these contained.


Hello, when update? I see image it's a hen :(


I can't wait for you to add the occults from your mods! Tried to do it myself but failed :P


Hi! Just wondering if occult preferences are added automatically? (I have a mod in my game that is automatically assigning preferences, including lots of occult preferences-- including some occults hating their own occult? Lol. Trying to narrow down what the mod is)

Constance Keller

I wish I was smart with things like this. I would love to build mods for the Sims, but I don't know how. Glad others, like you, know how though. Makes the game more fun.