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It’s that time again. This time around I have very little to pass on of any note - but somehow it takes me 1hr 25mins to say it.

Consider this the verbal equivalent of background music. Something to help block out the voices in your head. Noise to put on in the background while you’re doing something far more important.

Perhaps put it on when you leave the house in order to make any potential burglars believe that your house is occupied by a really boring man who won’t let anyone else get a word in edgeways.

You could always consider treating it like I’ve come to treat the TV news. I probably don’t need to watch it because if something affected me I’ll already have noticed. ‘Just coming in, a house in Wigan has exploded. Passers by were rained down upon by a combination of VHDs, 8-track carts and Mini Disc players’ Yep well ahead of you there - and I offer my apologies to those affected.

There’s also a video version available in a separate post. This audio version can be subscribed to as a podcast if you can figure out how to do it.

Whatever you choose to do, have a great (insert period of time) and thanks again for being here. Take care.

UPDATE - The film I’m trying to think of at the end has been identified as a TV movie - with Roger Moore as Sherlock Holmes (?!) called ’Sherlock Holmes in New York’



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