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I’ve made an end-of-year video/audio Odd-cast. This is the Video version. 


Irrespective of whether you watch the video, I want to offer everyone here my thanks and gratitude for your support and help over the last year and I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy the videos I have lined up for 2020. 

Links to things mentioned:

How to make money on youtube (in Mandarin)


TV Tropes tries to explain Techmoan (and does a good job)


Discogs - Weird formats article. 


LED Christmas tree gift suppliers https://www.led-genial.de

Just a quick correction to the 'Average View Duration' stats for 2019 mentioned in the video (mins and secs):

Windows 07:28, Android 05:57, Roku 13:13, Chromecast 13:43

(Windows is 27% of views, Android is 35%, Roku 2.4%,  Chromecast is 1%)

Many more stats are available - but they mostly add up to  ‘stuff just happens’


5 MINUTE VIDEOS  - the short videos idea - I’m only going to try making one of these videos every now and then, perhaps one a month or so. The rest will be as long as they need to be. 


End Of Year ™ Video Odd-cast



Regarding your YouTube/Vimeo problems, there's a brand new (?) alternative called Floatplane: https://www.floatplane.com/ Here's Forgotten Weapons talking about it: https://youtu.be/bt6hh47fYgo Also with the increasingly unpredictable behaviour of YouTube, it probably makes sense to have backup platform(s) for both creator and viewer alike. "Upload to ALL the platforms!"


Hey, joined your Patreon today, April 2020. Hope you're staying safe and well; it's not how we saw this year panning out.


Thanks for signing up to Patreon. This puts you in a very exclusive group. Yes 2020 isn’t quite how we planned. I keep thinking of the supposed Chinese curse of ‘May you live in interesting times’.