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I’ve made an end-of-year video/audio Odd-cast. This is the Audio version. 

There’s also a video version available in a separate post.

Irrespective of whether you listen to this, I want to offer everyone here my thanks and gratitude for your support and help over the last year and I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy the videos I have lined up for 2020. 

Links to things mentioned:

How to make money on youtube (in Mandarin)


TV Tropes tries to explain Techmoan (and does a good job)


Discogs - Weird formats article. 


LED Christmas tree gift suppliers https://www.led-genial.de

Just a quick correction to the 'Average View Duration' stats for 2019 mentioned in the video (mins and secs):

Windows 07:28, Android 05:57, Roku 13:13, Chromecast 13:43

(Windows is 27% of views, Android is 35%, Roku 2.4%,  Chromecast is 1%)

Many more stats are available - but they mostly add up to  ‘stuff just happens’


5 MINUTE VIDEOS  - the short videos idea - I’m only going to try making one of these videos every now and then, perhaps one a month or so. The rest will be as long as they need to be. 



Andy Ihnatko

As always: I'm a fan and a Patron because I enjoy your point of view and your perspective. However you choose to articulate that will be fine with me. I myself recognize that a certain element of my work isn't giving me any pleasure and that's when I know I need to think about what's going to make me happy...even if it means making a big change. I'm convinced that when your work makes you happy, it improves the work. So make yourself happy. It's good customer service. :)

Andy Ihnatko

Incidentally, your recent two videos on DAPs were excellent. Did you ever do a vid about your A&K? I've been looking at this category for some things I'll be writing in 2020 and these high-end players boggle my mind a little. I feel like I could make a lot of money with a phone app that helps you shop for DAPs. The screen shows you the top 100 devices on the market, with no price restrictions. Then it administers a hearing test through your headphones. As the test progresses, the app grays out all of the players whose performance specs are WAY outside of your range of hearing.


That app sounds like a great idea - but might also be a bit of stark reminder to the listener that their best days are behind them. I took one of those online blind audio tests and ended up picking some of the 128kbps MP3s as the best quality from the available selection. So I’m definitely the wrong chap to start talking about the ‘musicality’ and ‘timing’ and ‘jitter’ of a digital file. Might as well be talking about the thoughtfulness of the Kbps and whether FLAC smells more of strawberry than DSD. My interests are more centred around the user experience, ergonomics and features etc. So with that in mind I’ve just bought the Sony NW-A55 to compare against the 40th Anniversary model I recently featured. As far as the A&K Jr goes - I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s what would happen if you let a sadistic Korean Jonny Ive design a player. It’s incredibly uncomfortable to hold as it has the sharpest corners of any device I’ve ever purchased. It’s also a few years old now. A lot of people seem to rate the Fiio devices. so maybe down the line I’ll try one of those, but I’ve got to get to that Sony first.