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FOLLOW UP SURVEY to PREVIOUS POST (the one immediately preceding this) about the NIXIELYZER https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-9-nixielyzer-28956870

Jürgen knows his way around a circuit but perhaps has more of an engineers approach to design. On the flip side I haven’t got a clue how to make anything, but I know what looks good (to me). We’re the equivalent of 2019 Woz and Jobs (this is a deliberately over grandiose and tongue-in-cheek statement made for comic effect). 

In the video about the Nixielyzer you’ll have seen me demonstrate a prototype with Jürgen’s original design and I suggested that I felt it could benefit from a simplification of the front panel. 

Of course that's just my opinion - which isn't worth a hill of beans, so I also suggested that I could put this one to a public vote here on Patreon.  

The choice is between Mr Nixie’s original design or a simplified version with less text.

Please pick your preference. I've attached a photo which should help (see update below for more info) 

UPDATE - Survey results. 

Thank you all for your feedback. Whilst you can never please everyone, appealing to the largest possible audience is advantageous when trying to sell anything. 

It's clear that the vast majority who responded prefer the simpler design - but also some of the feedback suggested additional tweaks that could be made with regard to the font and the placement of the text. As a result Jürgen has sent over a further mock-up photo that I've now added this to the bottom of this post.  This now has the traditional Dieter Rams style font, text moved further from the controls, the text on the same side of all the controls, the reinstatement of the logo with a thinner outline. While there's no option for this version in the survey, if you wish, you can always provide further feedback in the comments. 




The result looks perfect to me


Make and model on top left corner and button functions no different than anything else in anyone's Hi Fi