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I've been working on this video for quite a few weeks now and I'm really happy with how its turned out. It's difficult to describe the enjoyment to be had from finding, repairing, learning about and then finally demonstrating something that very few people know existed. It's a thrill to know that this video could result in a new entry being added to lists of old music formats. 

After I've dropped dead (I've no immediate plans to) - I hope some of the things I've put online over the years will live on in my absence. So far the most likely candidates are the recording of Cuba Baion by Kurt Drabek, an appreciation of the Tefifon outside Germany and hopefully now an acknowledgement of the existence of the Hipac format.

In other news Youtube has been very unpredictable in recent months. Views for my videos have been falling off as the active lifetime of each video gets shorter. After the first 48 hours views now dry up to a trickle. 

I really thought that last week's LetterPack video should have some legs. I hoped it might pique the interest of tech historians on blogs and forums or get a mention on a popular gadget site or two, but the video came and went in the blink of an eye with nary a whisper. 

It's a bit of a worrying trend so I'd just like to again thank everyone here on Patreon for supporting the channel and providing some much needed stability. In addition if you think there is something that I'm not covering that you originally signed up for, please let me know about it. I do have some more dashcam reviews in the works, in addition to various unusual old and new tech devices to show off. 

Anyway, that’s enough business chat...please just enjoy the video, it's one of my favourites.

UPDATE 28/9/17 11:57am - I've reuploaded the video to remove a section about format wars that made absolutely no sense because I'd mixed up Pioneer with Panasonic, I reworded the section about the purpose of the aerial socket at around 2:41 and added a few words that better explain Pioneer's motivations for launching the format between 09:22 -09:44. Thanks for your help..this pre-release stage is vital in ironing out any issues before the other 150,000 people get to watch the video.

UPDATE 2 28/9/17 15:00 - I’ve re-edited the video once more to remove the word Midget from the comedy outro. I was unaware that this has become a derogatory term in the US. My first car was a MG Midget and I still don’t think the word has any malice attached to it in the UK, but if I can avoid upsetting someone, I will do. 


Hipac - The lost tape : Pioneer's forgotten 1970s cassette rival

Hipac is the pre-recorded tape format that history forgot, so it's time to fix that. Previous videos on related formats; 1) The Playtape https://youtu.be/qBSGuR589_Q 2) The Mail Call https://youtu.be/uTIrbvwn2Ho Also - check out my playlist full of unusual and forgotten tech: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN2yCnHTG_6qxmv_pdBxWxCPsbA1Cl2RI -------------SUPPORT--------------- This channel can be supported through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/techmoan Patrons usually have early access to videos ---------------SUBSCRIBE------------------ http://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan?sub_confirmation=1 -------THANKS TO ------- Jerobeam Fenderson for the intro animation: http://oscilloscopemusic.com/ ----------Outro Music----------- Over Time - Vibe Tracks https://youtu.be/VSSswVZSgJw ------Outro Sound Effect------ ThatSFXGuy - https://youtu.be/5M3-ZV5-QDM



Hello, Matt -- Here's potentially another one-off tape format, proprietary to the Austrian Eumig cinema camera company (you have one of their C3 or C8 cameras on a shelf in your studio). There is next to no information available on the web about this unit. I found one mention at an analog collectors website. The tape is clearly in a cartridge. But did the operator load standard 5" reels into this cartridge, or was the cartridge a priprietary design, sold by Eumig? <a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eumig-575-Tape-Recorder-1962-Untested-8613/182747037478?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&amp;_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eumig-575-Tape-Recorder-1962-Untested-8613/182747037478?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&amp;_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649</a>


For the recent drop off in views perhaps it is a function of people getting themselves and/or their kids ready for the new school year and then adjusting to that routine. Now that school (in North America anyway) has been back in for almost a month, perhaps people will have more time for their YouTube viewing. Whatever the reason, your videos are better and better. It's interesting (to me anyway) to juxtapose the format "war" this video highlights with what is currently going on in the digital file realm with MQA. The puppets in this video were very funny. Thanks.