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It’s mostly a recap this time.

Unfortunately the audio level is too hot throughout the majority of this one. I was trying a recording setup I haven’t used together before. It was only once I’d finished that I discovered that both the mics and receiver had separate gain settings.


The video version of this is available in a separate post.

Oh and if the thumbnail is a muppet I have no idea why this is. Sometimes it shows as me in a visor and other times it's the dad puppet and I really don't know where it got this pic from.


Stephen Cairns

Unbelievably unimportant I know but the Dad puppet is used for the main podcast stream whereas each episode (except the latest) has an individual thumbnail. This is on Pocket Casts, a venerable podcast player that has (I believe) only recently gained the ability to show individual episode artwork. I don't know why I'm even bothering to mention this as I nearly always watch the video version.


Yes I didn’t make a thumb for the audio this time as it was a last minute decision to include an audio version. It’s pulling the Dad puppet image from somewhere - but I’m not entirely sure where or why. I’ll have used it in the past, most likely as an avatar but my avatar is the visor pic at the moment.


Unrelated, but I discovered Sony resumed production of Hi8 video cassettes in 2016, just for airlines who were still using it for their in-flight entertainment systems: https://apex.aero/articles/tapes-rolling-sony-resumes-production-hi8-cassettes/


Thanks that was an interesting little article. I’m pretty sure they’ve discontinued MiniDisc in the last few years but as with anything like this it’s difficult to find hard facts.