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It’s mostly a recap this time, but with added scenery.


Unfortunately the audio level is too hot throughout the majority of the video. I was trying a camera and mic combo I haven’t used together before. It was only once I’d finished that I discovered that both the mics and receiver had separate gain settings.


An audio version of this is available in a separate post.




Lee Coles

Wish you well with your father, Matt. I really enjoyed that pinball video, watched it twice now. Lee

Lee Coles

I think I’m selfish, as I always feel like your videos are made for ME!! 🤣 I like details, I like to learn about old AND new things in and I like to find out about things I never knew existed. Keep it going, Matt!! Lee

Stephen Gozza

If you ever decided to stop doing tech videos, I think there's a good group of us patrons who would continue to support you just for these videos.

Dan Weiss

I have been looking for an opening to discuss a topic that others above have mentioned, namely the quality of your work Mat. I have been watching a number of videos that you referenced or are related to your work, including the DCC documentary. Mat, you are a better MC for the red carpet video than most I have seen in my life including pros and celebrities. I am not "blowing smoke" as we say in the US. I watched Databits and it was painful. I could see how you could have made the same material MUCH more interesting and informative. And not just the narration, the camera work, composition and editing. There is a saying "I would listen to him read the phone book" that could be applied (but please don't) not because of your mellifluous voice, but your humor. One that sticks with me is when you pointed out that there was a patent on the impossible to open packaging and compared it to patenting a kick in the crotch. For me, that's your "dead parrot" right there. I know the Oddcasts ramble a bit, and are aimed at a specific audience that finds the charm in that (including myself), but they are still better than too many "finished" videos. Your videos are the "whole package" from content to editing to humor. To sum up, compliments can be hard to respond to sometimes so please take this as an confirmation that you are doing good work and providing value to at least some people in the world.


It’s incredibly kind of you to write this and while I’m not someone who is good at taking compliments I do very much appreciate the sentiment. My oratory skills seem to be diminishing recently, hopefully things will improve again. I do hope to carry on making videos as long as there is an audience…and I’ll likely continue in some capacity long after everyone has moved on.