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Given the nature of Day 10, I'm going to put this up now so you have some time to digest things. While this might not be for the next build, I'd rather know ahead of time so I can break down what assets I do need into more manageable chunks and to give me some indication of what my workload for the future might be.

But here's the catch: The routes need to be done in a cycle, so what you're voting on is the starting point in that cycle.

The cycle itself is as below, looping back to the top of the list.

As an example, if Orlando wins the poll, then Dean will be the last one updated. (Orlando > Roswell > Hoss > Sal > Tyson > Dean)

However, like always there's a chance I can get multiple routes done in any given update, so don't worry if your chosen route doesn't win. a0.18 is a doozy regardless.



Wow, people like Tyson.``


No kidding. He's the most popular but I didn't think it'd be by this much of a margin.


How silly of you to think that putting Tyson's name and expect a different outcome..... but there is still time so we will see how it goes.


I guess had Tyson not been adjacent to Dean the results might be different. Or people who like both will definitely choose Tyson(like me :P)


The only reason I picked up the game is because of Tyson. Kidding :P But seriously his character is just so different. Well, he kinda reminds me of Leo from Echo. I hope he doesn't become such an asshole though, maybe in a bad route of his, but else...


Well hey, that's why I put him at the top of the list. If the order stays the same as this list, this is fine by me. (Just means that Tyson gets put into the line of fire first)


Honestly I'm surprised that Dean is on par with some of the others. Feedback showed that he's solidly #2 as far as popularity but perhaps the last build shifted things around?


While Tyson still is my favorite, I'm very curious to see how Roswell will develop.

David G

I voted for Dean. But I know that Tyson is the favorite one and I didn’t expect that Dean could win in the poll against him. My favorite character is Dave. In the beginning I liked Orlando as the love interest for Dave but as the game and the story advanced Dean and Tyson become my favorite two to pair with Dave. But I rather vote for Dean because in the current moment is giving Dave an emotional oasis to overcome all the bullshit happening in Mansion while Tyson is giving him a pretty hard moment because he can't accept himself as he is right now and he is making Dave cry often.


I mean I love Tyson just as much as everyone else, but Hoss was my pick for now. Given how popular the kitty is on Discord, I'm honestly surprised to see the results! I would have wagered Hoss would've tied with Tyson, or at least closer than a 30% difference lol


Yeah, after looking at the statistics from the feedback I was expecting a bit more of a spread. Not a freaking landslide.

David G

I would prefer this cycle for the routes: Dean->Tyson->Orlando->(Benson->OZ, if it could happen someday)->Sal->Hoss->Roswell.


Tyson, not a surprise really given how fleshed out and understandable his character is compared to the others, not saying the others are badly written or anything but Tyson is already a brother to the MC and plays the part really well compared to just a group of friends the MC knows. It just feels natural to feel closer to ty over the others.