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What's in this update?

- Day 6 (Tyson, Roswell)
- Day 7(Partial) (Tyson)

As per the results of the poll held, Tyson won the first updated route. As such, he's got a password scenario to play through. Also, because everyone else had a flashback/origin story of sorts, Roswell gets his to keep things fair. For everyone else, their routes end at lunch time.

- Minor spelling correction

This is likely going to be an ongoing thing as I keep using natively occurring UK spelling for things and I go back and swap it back to US. If I missed anything, know that I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

- Art

Hoss and Tyson both got their sprites that were missing in the last update. Yes, they're meant to look like that, especially Hoss's. There's a reason. Also, Roswell got one for the pool, as everyone will at some point. On top of that, There's a few CGs I spent the time between updates working on to capture some of the scenes that I felt worked better as CGs as opposed to sprites updating on the screen. It does mean that I'll be going back and cleaning up the ones that are already in there.

- MC Canon appearance

This was another thing from the polls. Default name has been updated in-game too to reflect this. You'll see him in the CGs in Tyson's route and on the title screen now.


Backgrounds still, but I have a plan for that. For now we're still going ahead with what we've got and I'll leave it at that. 

Plan is to have every iteration of the title screens shuffle on start-up but I haven't really gotten the code to work. There's things I wanna try but it's a low priority as there's only two so far.

A suitable replacement for the Hedge Maze. The weakest part of the whole game by far, and while I have a plan to have some sort of workaround, it still exists in its current form. Any ideas of what to replace this with would be wonderful, although I'm not sure how well I can actually implement everything that may get suggested. We'll see though.


Working down the list, BattlecruiserOperational for pointing out some errors in the code; along with some other strange things happening. Think I got them all though, thanks again! (Although there's totally going to be more at some point so please keep pointing out my mistakes!) On top of that, just replying to stuff I put on here makes it seem less like I'm talking to the void, so that's been keeping morale up.

Maodun, for really being a sounding board for some of the CGs as I work on them, although I've been told I should share only the nice things from now on! Any volunteers for his potential replacement? (Just kidding, no one can replace you, mate.)


Ideal world, I want to get the Title Screen doing the shuffling thing. On top of that I have a framework to have a gallery up that I think people might like; or just have a place to view other CGs as they experience them. It's a desirable but realistically low priority compared to assets needed for whoever wins the next character route vote. I'll be tweaking things here and there over time too as I get feedback from people.

PC BUILD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/niym284f3cq4391/PASSWORD-a0.08-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC BUILD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6yuh3bqhpao8ht/PASSWORD-a0.08-mac.zip?dl=0



Well, an interesting update. Though I have to say I hit some weird errors with SOLIDARITY not being defined and some strange inconsistent paths on Day 7, Tyson path.


Interesting good, interesting bad? As for these errors, I'm looking at the code now; what sort of problems were you running into and I'll patch them up now.


You don't need to thank me, really, I'm just glad my feedback might be useful to you. Speaking of which, I have noticed a few things in this update: - Dean: I've realized now why you were confused when I complained about wrong sprites on the last update, I didn't know that the hot tub scene is different depending on what happens before. The wrong sprites I noticed are in the no kissing version of it. - Sal and Orlando: The 'end of demo' message is a bit premature here, it actually goes on to the 'Pizza's still good' scene where you get another one. - Tyson: There is something wrong with the choices for letting Tyson leave or not. If you opened the vault earlier and let Tyson go, you don't get the bad ending. It just goes on to Tyson strolling into your room, asking about your nose without you ever getting punched. - Roswell: His blushing sprite looks hella derpy. One of the eyes is off. As for shuffling the main screen, it would probably be the easiest to simply use random number generation. Roll a number between 1 and (number of images) and show an image according to the number rolled. If you want proper shuffling, you'd probably need to write/load the previously shown image into/from a file somewhere to permanently keep which image was shown before. Randomizing it would be a lot easier if you're lacking experience coding/scripting. As for the hedge maze, you could just implement on option to skip it entirely if you dislike it? Or replace it with an underwater temple or a sewer level, people always love those.


Oh but I must! Good QA is hard to get and the more savagely you tear the game apart the better I can make it. You're a bloody legend with what you're finding. Dean - That would explain a bit. I'll go fix it now. Sal/Orlando - That... shouldn't be happening, but I plan to at least have a start on their joint-day-activity scene done for the next update so that should resolve itself. Hopefully. Tyson - Alright, I'll jump on that now. What should be happening in code is it flagging that "You can save" and then unflagging it if you choose not to act on it. If it's keeping it flagged, that's a problem. Roswell - Ugggghhhh Don't remind me. His has a few sprites I wanna tweak. Him and Dean; but that's what I was working on while waiting for info to come in. As for the main screen, the issue with generating a random number before startup is that Renpy for whatever reason doesn't like complex math in its init blocks. I'm sure there's away around it, just haven't looked into it because... well we've only really had one title screen until now. The other option is we could potentially have it read off the autosave data and display the character for the route you're on according to that save? I dunno, it's an option. Aaaaaand you've convinced me on the hedge maze. It's now going to be entirely an underwater temple side-scenario leading directly into a sewer where you meet a new Rat potential romantic interest. But no, I'll tweak the dialogue so you can skip it as an option, or lower the threshold for when it allows you to give up. At least until I can get to a point where you can ask Oz for stuff and I might put some maze clues in his dialogue. Dunno yet.


For a different train of thought, there is something wrong in Roswell's route that I forgot to mention earlier. During the scene where you're talking about Coffee with Roswell and Tyson: - After Tyson's line 'Yeah, well... whatever', I'm abruptly being jumped to opening the vault with Tyson's password without ever entering that on that route. Are you jumping to the wrong label or something? - Also now that I went to look at it again, 'Just stay out of his way and you'll be fine.' is definitely not Tyson's line, he's not even in the same room. - And also now that I've clicked around a bit more, answering Roswell for being his assistant Nah -> Okay gets you a sudden Dean sprite when it's supposed to be Roswell


That's a strange one. Good find! I'm guessing either I forgot a label or like the issue with the other Tyson bug you found, my indenting was off and it was skipping to the next block assuming it was part of the same "scene". Everything else minus the hedge maze has been sorted, I'll get cracking on this stuff next. A little worrying but nothing too big yet. I just hope nothing like this happens when we start getting to plot reveals.


I actually have some thoughts on marketing (or more like advertising), so I'm gonna go ahead with my patron privilege and post it here to avoid derailing the public posts. I do believe that a fixed up version of this build is solid enough to show it around a bit, though I think you have a bunch of options for publicity and it's up to you what you like: - FA: If you have one, why not link it on the main page here? Unless you want to actively hide it, it certainly can't hurt to show off some more of your art. - u18chan: I know the site is kinda off-putting to look at and I'm not sure how you feel about it (if you know it), but there really is some interest in VNs over there. I actually started following a bunch of VNs some years back when they were posted there and I still like to frequent the discussions. If Reece wants to start a thread there, I'll be sure to lurk around and probably comment. - Twitter: Do you like mainstream social media? Some authors have a seperate account for their VNs and will occasionally retweet news about each other, be it art or updates. If you got the attention of some other people, just getting retweeted is probably enough to make some people aware of this. - Discord: Everyone and their mom has a discord server these days and you could easily make one for yourself. Though you're probably gonna need someone to moderate it should more people join, as discord servers have a tendency to... derail. And also virtually any other site would be more usable than the subpar comment section of patreon.


To address each one down the list with my current reasoning, but I'm open to being swayed otherwise: - FA: I feel like drawing the focus away from Password towards some of my other work might take time away from what I should be focusing on. There IS a link on the FA to the Patreon though, so the pathway for people to see art uploaded there and see what else I do/what the art is for (not that there's really anything on PW on there anyway) is there - u18Chan: I... haven't honestly touched this for a while. Maybe it's an age thing but I remember looking at it for comics way back and little else. Probably not an avenue I'm wanting to go down just because I know so little of it; but if Reece does something there, it goes ahead with my support - Twitter: Another Patron has suggested this. Is it bad that I'm just terrible at managing social media? Granted, as time goes on I'm starting to see the value in it; and if said people are other content creators then cross-marketing might be a neat little venture. I'll make a note to look into this. - Discord: This is the big one. I actually have a server but... It's less a structured thing and more a dumping ground for ideas/art reference that I've found. I would honestly like this if only to show off WIPs a bit easier and get some feedback on stuff I'm working on rather than lumping it all on one person. Is this really something worth setting up? Again, happy to do so, just looking at 10 patrons (plus I guess a bunch of non-patrons coming to chill?) seems borderline not worth setting up but my metric on such things is not well developed. Don't get me started on the comment section of Patreon. There's been a few times I've hit reply on my phone and it just hasn't actually done so. On computer I think it's eaten a post or two in the past. We're going to need a solution for that for sure.