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I don't know why this had suddenly become a thing over the past 24 hours, but a few people have been pointing out the lack of noted, or otherwise mentioned species for the main character.

For clarification and a bit of transparency as to what's behind the curtain, the choice of making this information vague and non-solid was to hopefully allow players to self-insert their own characters in. Thought being that if you projected onto the Main Character in some significant way, the investment on the characters and the want to engage and change their fate would be more. Granted, it's only now I'd gotten some feedback as to this call, although no one has said as to whether it's working or not.

So, after brainstorming all day for alternatives, I've come up with... a couple ideas that can just be a thing, with very little changes needing to be made. Obviously having a set species/look will make the game just be able to have more in the way of artwork of character interaction, and solidify a problem that was bound to come up during the more explicit scenes.

As always, if you have an option to pitch that isn't on the poll, sound off below and let's discuss.



Moved from Patron-Only to being Public. For those that I've directed here in the interest of getting more info, consider the question of this to be "If you were to be playing a game, would you rather play a character that has a set identity (and if so which of these is most applicable), or left up to the player's preference on how to project onto the character they're playing as?"


How about an otter or panda?


Otter I considered but there's already an otter in the game already, just unsprited at the moment. Panda I'd consider though!


Do you plan on making art for the MC or ever have the perspective switch to another character? If not, I don't think it really matters. Though you can always have a canine (or hyena even) as the MC and it's generic enough to not upset anyone.


A few people mentioned the issue of explicit sex scenes being potentially odd without a second person in them, so having a set character would help or at least be a less jarring option than if there was just the silhouette of someone there instead. On the topic of art, if he has a canon appearance then he'll appear on marketing material, CGs of the group and on a title screen at least. There's one perspective shift in the game, although it's an alternate scenario where the MC died. That isn't to say there can't be perspective shifts if that's what people want, the story is flexible enough that it can work.


After some discussion and thought, I've switched my vote from Human and Left Vague to Hyena. I figure I'd explain why here. At first I liked the idea that I, the player, was the main character. I could insert myself how I wanted. But I don't think that exactly works in the case of this game. The main character has a personality and a past with the rest of the characters. They're not a blank slate. I've had a minor personal problem with the game until now which is, despite the game having branches paths with choices to make, the MC doesn't do things I would do and does do things I wouldn't do. The MC also knows things I don't know and has had experiences with these characters I am unfamiliar with from the start. With the slight tweak in thinking that I am not the main character, but in fact using the main character as a conduit to play through this experience, these issues I've had completely dissolve. Now whether or not anyone else believes these were even issues to begin with is up to them. I'm just saying that if the MC is not a blank slate and is in fact his own character in every way, extending to his appearance, it would put my mind at ease with these couple of things.


Has it been decided what he is going to be?


I feel like this is the history of Dave perspective of view and not a self insert, I feel the VN would be better having him locked in the name Dave and he being a hyena, show his backstory (like he already has with his dad) and own feelings, not soulless like some VNs do, I want personally all of I said because already feels nice the way it is, him, being Dave and being a Hyena.