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So this was something I played around with doing the water balloon setup but I never got around to post it. Seeing the two last scenes I felt it fitting, from shattering to ash to paint flakes. Pretty basic stuff as usual, but a great foundation to build upon for this type of effect. :) 

Scene file: www.bit.ly/ff_grain_based_paint_flaking


Houdini - Grain based paint flakes (scene file)

So this was something I played around with doing the water balloon setup but I never got around to post it. Seeing the two last scenes I felt it fitting, from shattering to ash to paint flakes. Pretty basic stuff as usual, but a great foundation to build upon for this type of effect.



This might be an odd question, but I would love to hear from the people here how they use and learn from these files? I am not trying to judge or by no means am I saying there is nothing to learn, the opposite! its so good and nearly too much for my n00b brain to fathom sometimes. So personally I'm quite green in houdini, I can open up these files, follow them through, I understand fully what is happening or how things work together. I mostly can take an example and apply to it whatever I have in mind, but what I find tricky is the one level down... why? why was this done the way it was, like what goal was solved by each step, I often find I like try to and recreate the examples from the ground up to force myself to get a better understanding, but at the same time I often find myself a little lost due to how certain "steps" feels very clever and smart, but something I would never have thought of it known could be done. in reality I'm probably just not quite good enough at houdini yet to fully get it, but I do love grabbing these files and investigating. How do learn from these? - and as always huge thanks to Farmfield for making these.


Not everyone use them for learning, some use them as starting points and some are used as is, like some fracturing stuff. 😁 But for learning, it's all about following the data, looking what I do with it from one step to another. And I think that is the key to learning Houdini, starting to look at the stuff you're doing as manipulating data, nothing else. 😁


very true, I am trying! :D But sometimes I run into things where for instance in the example above, from what I understand you basically take the points that makes up the fractured mesh, run a pop sim on it, and then transfer the position of those points back onto the points of the fractured sim, which works because the point count/numbers stay the same between the two, right? But at the same time in my head im like... why does that work? what makes the 3-4 points that makes up a fractured piece stay together ish? and not just fly off with the turbulence in different directions. so parts of the magic I don't fully get :D - anyway back to breaking this thing apart! haha


That's the constraints in the grain solver. It creates a rule for how far apart points are allowed to be, then measures that each step and keeps them together. Same as Vellum - which is really just grains 2.0... 😁


Bingo! I literally just found it! that's the Explicit Constraints part of all this.... so often terminology is the confusing part :D this is super cool dude! thanks again! I shall now have all sort of crap blow apart in the winds ;)


Oh quick question if you don't mind, what does the sopsolver1 set to unique Data name do with the Data name being "geometry" ? I tried to turning it off and saw no change in the simulation? cheers


That stuff is for running multiple solvers och multiple datasets in the same DOP, and in 4 years in Houdini I don't think I've had to use it even once, haha... But it's essential for studios running huge simulations and multiple solvers on the same data in DOPs.


Right, so its a pipeline cleanup "the correct way" of setting up this, if it were to enter a larger simulation or pipeline where it would interact with other solvers etc. But has nothing to do with this sim internally. Got it! thanks for clarifying.


Yeah, data in DOPs is not as easy to follow as it is in SOPs, and that's the kinda stuff you'll only have to dig into when you run into problems. As I don't work with that kinda setups, I really never had too bother about it...