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Hey everyone! Let's enjoy the weekend by getting tropical with battlers!

Attached to this post you will find the Shore/Beach creatures update, honestly i twas really hard to stop making monsters for it once I got started, hence why we ended up with 20 creatures for it this time around! These should go well with the now ancient initial Sea creatures pack as well! For convenience I tagged them with the prefix "Sea Beach" so that they will appear right under them in your folders.

As for our animated monster, it seems the general consensus was focused on the fancy/big monsters fromt he *very* early Librarium releases, in those particular cases I will redraw and do a bit of redesign to match the librarium style we use nowadays! That said,  I will start off with the Light Titan Alfadriel

Hope everyone enjoys this release and upcoming releases and thanks for the interest and support as usual!




Twenty creatures!! /faints That's super awesome. I will admit, I had to look up who Alfadriel was but I am now officially PSYCHED to see he's gonna get animated. I may or may not end up snagging him to use as a summoned creature for my PCs to use ^_^


ohh hope you like his release today! haha He's part of the super early releases!