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Hey everyone, actually 3 announcements today!

A)First, I've just finished drawing the creatures for our Shore/Beach creatures update! It focuses entirely on ceatures found at beaches/shores of course, took some time with all of them to make the designs interesting, hope you all like them!

B) I've been having some health issues again, hence why there's been radio silence as I worked in these, really sorry to keep you without news last week, I was checking with my doctor to determine proper measures. Apparently I've been working a bit too much (Because of poring gradschool being nasty for the most part) thus the stress has built up and taken a toll on my physical well being. Apparently stress isn't just feeling mentally tired, once it goes to the next level it has a nasty impact on your physical well being! This leads me to C)

C)There will only only be one update cycle this month,  which will be composed of the already release Dark Creatures, these beach creatures, and an animated pick as soon as I sort out the suggestions. Really sorry for everyone who was looking forward to two updates and the upcoming wind & Co creatures this month :c ! I will make it up to you all with the release of the cutesy poring battles I made for Yanfly's comic earlier this month, really sorry!

I am okay right now, the hellish health week was mostly last week, medication and forced rest did their part. Now I just need to take it easier, hence why I've decided to only do one update. It is also the reason why I took my time with the beach designs, that was fun haha. next up for me is formatting them for release, making the release of them and animating the animated pick!

I would also like to welcome all our newest faces in the platform and take the chance to once again thank all of you who have always support the Librarium, you guys are the reason Librarium has gotten to where it is today and our creature roster increases with suggestions I wouldn't even have imagined, thank you all very much.




Sorry to hear about your health issues. You take things easy. Those are some mighty wicked looking shore creatures. Just wonderful designs. These two weeklies and whatever you chose for the animated will make wonderful additions to the Librarium and give us plenty more to work with.


This battlers are too cool (or i should say fresh?) to be real!


Aw so sorry to hear about your health troubles, glad they seem to be behind you for the most part at least but of course take care and hope you're able to recover to 100%. If poring grad school kicks up again like that I hope you take immediate measures to slow down your pace so it doesn't happen again, I'm sure people will be able to understand :). Amazingly cool update as always, love the diversity to really cover the feeling of a complete shore, epic work!


Oh dang, sorry to hear about your health. Best wishes to a speedy recovery! Take your time and don't worry about the updates. That shore creatures pack looks massive enough for two.


Thank you very much for the good wishes! And glad you like the content in this coming weeklies!


Yeah Swift, been following the Doctor's lead! Still recovering but things are looking positive haha. It will be released today, hope you like it!


Thanks for the support Darkstar! It was kinda hard to stop with these, there are so many things you can do with the shore thematic!