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Hello Librarians!

Today as well I present to you the releases for Elemental Guardians!

Librarium Blog!

Hello again!

Unfortunately and as you may have noticed I'm progressing slower than I would like and behind on most fronts, this is derived from yet another personal situation I've been taking care of for the past days, I won't depress anyone so I'll spare the details! What's relevant is that you can be certain that if I'm not pumping these out at the best rate, there's a good reason behind it! I'd like to think stability in the meantime has returned and I'll make the best use of it I can! I 'll go straight to take care of a lot of work in all fronts and also the polls, going to jump right into them after this post!

As always I want to say thanks for the patience, I hope at least the quality I'm putting into this releases can alleviate some of the recent inconveniences.

Elemental Guardians

Download it today!

Dragon DL:


Minotaur+ Whisp DL:

Post Attachment Section!

Slime DL:

Post Attachment Section!




Real life situations always take priority. Best of luck with everything, and thank you for the new assets!


These battlers are very nice. 10/10 would smash.