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Hello Librarians!

Today I present to you the releases for Blight Lord Of Corruption!

Librarium Blog!

Hello everyone! Continuing the releases, Blight is up and ready! With him and after several runs in the latest upgrades I think I have confidence in saying the average realistic production time now for these full releases is an average of 3 days, a heavier toll than when it was possible to do 1 full release a day, but I guess quality does have a time cost which cannot be rushed through at all.

Blight, Lord Of Corruption

Overall Stamina is good to keep up witht he grind, as always though!

Sung has been a bit sick lately so I've fallen back to do the background work in the meantime, let us all send her good vibes so she can recover and come back soon!

I will be publishing the Juen polls tomorrow so please look forward to that as well!

Onwards to the next release, Librarium Statics - Elemental Guardians!

Thanks for your support!

Download it today!

Dragon DL:


Minotaur+ Whisp DL:

Post Attachment Section!

Slime DL:

Post Attachment Section!




Wow! He looks absolutely incredible and so polished! I can also see your effort on really keeping the details from the image I attached! Im absolutely stunned by this quality I want to shout out a huge thanks to you and your team in general, the content you create is absolutely great and the perspective of the project which I plan since a time just wouldnt be possible from the beginning without your content! Kind Regards - Moderner Dadaismus


Are the monthly compilation Releases ever going to return, or do we have to grab everything boss by boss and static by static from now on?