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Hello everyone!

Rewards for the first update pack of the month have been sent out! Once again apologies for the delay, putting the sample project together took quite some time and effort but I hope you guys will enjoy it!

As I already mentioned in the message with the download link, this sample project is a departure of what the sample project has been for the past year, here are some quick Q&A style bits of information for it!

What is the new sample project oriented to do?

Sample a game experience using the featured Librarium releases and serve as a reference database with real implementations and settings for said monsters!

Is it a game?

Not quite! Though tuned to play and feel like one, the design choices and flow of it are very much self contained and oriented to showcase our featured battlers(and older battlers eventually) in a “real” case of use, though it Is the base for a game I might release at some later point! 

How will it be updated from this point on?

Future updates will change the monsters you encounter in the chambers with the featured releases for that particular cycle, as well as the NPC dialogue which keeps things interesting, sometimes with new skills and skill animations to go with them. Sometimes we’ll see organizational changes in items and related things to make it more viable for you guys to use the Librarium database as a starting point for a new game. The general design and progression in the sample project will remain mostly unchanged though!

What kind of battler notetags will I find in the database?

Essentially anything from Yanfly’s library! Here’s an example of one monster:

<attack animation: 18>

<Breathing Speed: 70>

<Scale Sprite: 90%>

<Element Absorb: 2>

<Element Amplify 2: +200%>

<Force Element 3 Rate: 150%>

<AI Level: 99>

<AI priority>

State !== Fire Wind: Fire Wind, Random

Element Fire Weakness: Fire Blast, Lowest HP%

</AI priority>

These are tags for the Battle core, Sideview enemies, Element Core and AI core scripts, which are the most relevant ones for this sample experience, and a good starting point should you choose to use the Librarium database!

Can I use anything from the database?

Of course! Everything in the database is oriented to make it easy to copy battlers, items, skills and animations.

What’s this about the sample project being the base for a game ?

Pretty much a separate thing which I got inspired to do after working in the sample project this week!

As it is, the sample project serves its primary purpose quite well in my opinion, and I don’t wanna overcomplicate it in that aspect, however while brainstorming this new structure and design I couldn’t help but get all sort of crazy ideas I would love to implement and tinker with into an actual game down the line, also using this project as a base! We’ll see how that goes!



So..... I'm normally bad at video games. But I'm just curious how far we are supposed to be able to make it through the Librarium sample project? I'm dying a lot :D And since chests don't respawn yet the player eventually caps out on items essentially. Some of the monsters on high levels got uber AOEs!


Haha yeah they will have to get some nerfs in the future! As it stands the sample gameplay is super RGN based , and based on the principle of dying until the RGN is kind enough, for the sake of fighting the floors many times so the monsters can be seen, the real sense of progression in this sample project mostly comes with the NPCs changing their lines as you die, or sometimes new ones appearing, therçs a 50% chance of an item chest appearing every time you beat a chamber master, but I agree RPG maker randomness feels really...biased soemtimes doest it? lol But it is actually possible to clear the sample project eventually, the items are powerful enough!


When do we get it?


Youll get one with the rewards for the first update which are being sent out tonight, and yet another version with the rewards for the second update being sent out tomorrow!