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Welcome to Librarium's suggestion box 5.0!

In it you can suggest ideas for the following types of releases:

  • Animated Creatures (Librarium Animated Releases)
  • Archetypes/Sets Of Satic Creatures (Librarium Statics Releases)

How does the Suggestion Box 5.0 Work?

  • Suggestions are dropped off at the actual suggestion box here! 
  • There's no limit to how many creatures or characters you can suggest, however if you have several ideas,  try to keep it under 15 suggestions at a given time for your personal count!
  • Every month when it is time to make polls I will grab the ideas from the pool and add them! Every different user suggesting a creature is guaranteed a slot in the new featured poll if the suggestions are made within the allocated time period! Users with multiple suggestions will see as many as I can reasonably fit into the Maximum of 25 options, discounting the potential new suggestions for that month!
  • There is no need to resubmit ideas as ideas which don't win won't be deleted and will go back to the idea pool, with this new system it will be easy to keep track of them so they can resurface in the next or later polls (Depending on the amount of new suggestions for the following month )
  • The basic idea is that anyone with a new suggestion/suggestions will see at least 1 of them going up in the next poll, while older ideas will continue to appear to fill up the remaining slots not taken up by new suggestions ! the main core of this system is for everyone to have a voice!

Suggestions rules and guidelines


  • For Librarium Animated Creatures, Please suggest one creature per entry!
  • For Librarium Static creatures, Please suggest a total of 3 creatures per entry!
  • Explicit NSFW / R-18/ Controversial Suggestions are not allowed! (Though let me explain real quick, you can totally use Librarium battlers in NSFW / R-18 games, but I won't draw anything which is too explicit or sexual in nature for public releases! though that doesn't mean we can't have say. Succubuses.  This  Librarium release could give you an idea on just how I handle risque nature monsters and what is acceptable for public release perhaps!)
  • You can also suggest existing Librarium battlers to be updated or animated! Likewise, You can also suggest expansions to existing Librarium archetypes!
  • These rules and guidlines will keep evolving as I see the status and needs of the suggestion program!

Submit Your Idea Today!




James Marion

Should we resubmit content from Suggestion Box 4.0 to 5.0? Can you still see the list of all the submissions because I don't see anything but the form.


yes please! also you cna't see them yourself but I can see them stored in the form database! Hopefully this will be a good measure towards Patreon which randomly deleted some posts!

James Marion

OK. I have resubmitted everything I want to submit. Could you tell me if it worked?


I think it sure did! https://gyazo.com/6bc806615049abab8315dd1359260f25 You can confirm it here :D Hopefully this new system will indeed make it so that the issue of some posts suddenly disappearing is no longer a problem!


Let's pretend, solely for the sake of argument, that I'm an idiot. What does it actually mean to suggest something as a static vs animated? I mean obviously I get the difference in animation, but like, do static ones still get a resizable PSD? Or do they only come out in one size?


statics also get the PSD rewards, along 3 resizes of the PSD source file, in PNG format! thbe main difference here between Static and animated releases is how Librarium statics are 3 monsters in a release, vs 1 monster, as well!


Ok I gotcha. Since each suggestion is for a separate character, I would just do a couple suggestions for a set of statics instead of one group suggestion then?


yeah! basically unless you want to see something specifically animated, Statics are better for grouping together archetypes of characters (For example Fire Lizards, or Ice Dragons, Mountain bandits, etc)


Is it only for suggesting new creatures or can we make suggestions like a version of the library without the shadows, because I would really like a version of the library without the shadows. :D