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Hello and good night everyone!

As of this writing all the August 2022 battler designs have been completed, thanks for your patience waiting for these a couple of extra days! 

This time around we had the request of making remakes of Librarium designs from 2017 and 2018 and the results were hopefully interesting!

2020 Common Drake

2022 Common Drake

For all the Update monsters I didn't just fix and illustrate over the old designs, they were made from scratch following the old design instead! This time around these were all suggestions our community made and voted for last month, however In due time once the catch up effort (Which is a high priority this month) advances more and wraps up at last, I think Librarium's next big project will be gradually updating the most dated designs, particularly those from the 2017 and before era!

My evolution as an artist is entirely thanks to our community/'s support so you can expect me to continue putting those skills to use in the form of Librarium Assets for your projects! Thanks for your support through the years!

With the August 2022 Static Battler designs wrapped up here are the Immediate and not so immediate plans for September!

  • September Roadmap publication going live tomorrow!
  • Production of August Full Releases starting on the 8th! (Original plan was the 6th but I had to push it a bit considering the August 2022 battler designs production phase got extended a bit)
  • New suggestion system coming soon! (Aiming for the weekend)
  • One update to the Librarium Tileset towards the end of the month!
  • Updating the Batch Libraries!
  • Advancing the pending early 2022 full releases further!
  • Complete Librarium NPCs vol.2 spin-off package!

This time around for the Roadmap I'll take into account the insight gained from the latest recent months to plan the estimated release dates and contents better. I need to be super careful with these time window estimations because the August 2022 base designs are full of juggernauts and I already sort of imagine the spritework for the 4-direction map sprites will be no trivial task for none of them!

As always and once again...Thanks for your support! Stay tuned for the next post!

Good night!





Old dragon looks good, but te new one looks AMAZING! Fantastic work dude, really mindblowing. It sounds like the new ones are getting upgraded to the sprites as well over this month, right? So that dragon on the map, etc?


yup! brand new map sprites matching the new quality standards and style ! :D