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Like Librarium Animated poll but for static picks!

Unfortunately given the fact that patreon only allows polls to have a max of 25 options, I will have to cut down the options which received the least votes in April's poll and put them into rotation to return at a later date once existing suggestions allow to fit them in! (Hopefully we can start squeezing them in as soon as next month!, though I already have poll format revamp works on the way to prevent this type of situations in the future!)

Spring Flower Dryad Villagers by Blue Dragon

Description: Dryad male and female villagers, 3 variants of each having different cloths/flowers and hair styles. They are bigger then humans, and have a spring flower/Nature theme to them.

Fall Flower Dryad Villagers by Blue Dragon

Dryad male and female villagers, 3 variants of each having different cloths/flowers and hair styles. They are bigger then humans, and have a Fall flower/Nature theme to them.

Land Hydras! By Blue Dragon

3 different hydras of 3 different elements 1 of fire, one of Ice, and one of Poison/nature. All three hydras should walk on all fours like a dragon and have at least 4-6 heads. The fire hydra will have typical fire dragon colors with sharp brute features. The Ice hydra will have colors of white, blues, purples and greens, and have crystals growing all over it's body. The Nature/Poison hydra will have black and green colors and have heads that are similar to King cobras snakes with large frills along the elbows and joints.https://co.pinterest.com/pin/480266747753697181/?amp_client_id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id=&simplified=true

Elemental Atronachs!By Blue Dragon

Could really use some elemental Atronachs (similar to the ones in skyrim!) lets start with the first 3 Fire, Water, and Nature, their bodies should be made up entirely of their element, and should leave a trail of that element when they walk/move! They should be a little bigger in size then a typical human sprite. Fire Atronach-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AcsRt_jqqajzBtI9OBkwzqTpLhaN5EKlYFS-knqrmdP3ykUaEJOky5Q/ Nature Atronach--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/18577417198554226/ Water Atronach--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/224968943869756624/

Zalharas New Formsby KrimsonKatt

Decade Zalharas: A massive red-scaled dragon with gigantic wings that almost look mechanical in nature. Both wings seem to make a crescent moon shape in their design. Two additional horns are also coming out of his back. Here is an image: https://external-preview.redd.it/SV1zZ426w43i1BfcrQ0P2GQyhXPfreY1JLfn3aJdT1Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=abeb918c9141a8e6890d739dd9c3795a4050914f Century Zalharas: A massive green-scaled dragon with 6 wings and an almost alien-like design, with a long triangular snout and four curling, rope-like horns. Here is an image: https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp3319758.jpg Eternity Zalharas: The strongest form of Zalharas ever, surpassing even Millennium Zalharas and his all-powerful evil version Oblivion Zalharas. Appears as a gigantic dragon sporting mecha-like black, white, and gold armor along with mechanical mecha-like wings twice his size that create a massive solar flare stretching out of them. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTQBzqVYCVCYU6vSYZoSu5OdzWuIci4ez3TKWoociBiK_xPdIDGR_RvJ3liM9mpK3h-fm91waqey-AAYTOa7nwshxzhkDAl-Y-4OR_4CP5o6hWLm0MX2IukSOSz9Cl-ah3EGvoOdu3eD0Gn4_qr01IAeX-LLEIoNwREtoOJArenDf-3hwz99D12awy/s320/Eternity%20Zalharas.jpg

Dinosaurs Ceratopsians by Blue Dragon!

Who wouldn't want more Dinosaurs? Lets start with The Triceratops (which will be the biggest of the 3)https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2040762320616716/ -- Followed by a Pachyrhinosaurus, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/45106433756435744/ --and last but not least a Ugrosaurus https://www.pinterest.com/pin/45106433756314136/

Dinosaurs Herd dinos part 1: Honkin Honkers! By Blue Dragon!

Lets start with some Herd dinos! The smallest of the three will be the Camptosaurus, 2nd will be the Hippodraco and last but the largest will be the Olorotitian-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4574037110196458/

Alien Herbivore Creaturesby BlueDragon

1st on the list is a Giant Guardian Stag a massive Stag that protects the forest--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/155303887401864426/ 2nd is a Oxatax a mixture between a moose, and ox--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/593419688413410003/ and 3rd is aTewe a mix between a Ewe and turtle --https://www.pinterest.com/pin/289004501099247879/

Alien Pred Creatures by BlueDragon

1st is the Ninbra Cougar --https://www.pinterest.com/pin/48484133479394537/ 2nd is the swamp or sea hound --https://www.pinterest.com/pin/260716265919909196/ and 3rd is the Orcator --https://www.pinterest.com/pin/111182684542185437/

Owlin Villagersby Blue Dragon

Owlfolk villagers! Both male and female variants 3 males and females with different colors horns hair/feathers (if possible please) The owlfolk ref-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1829656090745248/ a ref for different types of head horns-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4503668368791151/

Hoax monsters by DeathMetalBard

by hoax monsters, I mean taking cryptids or monsters that were originally hoaxes and make them real. Creatures like the Jackalope, Wolpertinger, the Hodag, and the FeeJee mermaid and more as the truly monstrous creatures they were meant to be. Perfect for all those carnival or mad wizard battles.

Clowns by DeathMetalBard

creatures based around clowns would also be nice. A clown wizard, a clown Bard, Rogue, Barbarian. Even just an eldritch, ghost or demonic clown would make tons of fun and Sinister fights.

Assorted Animals by Andrea

creatures based on wildlife like boars, bears, porcupines etc

Assorted WildlIfe Predator Cats by Blue Dragon

1st creature is the Canadian Lynx, 2nd the Puma/Mountain Lion, 3rd The Margay.

Travel merchant animals!By Blue Dragon

1st is a Geared up Asian themed Tiger, 2nd is an African Elephant, 3rd is a Artic themed Yak.

Warrior Shades Part 1 by KrimsonKatt

Pale Rider: A tribal-looking shade with pure white skin and possessing a shadowy aura. Rides on houseback on the back of a skeletal horse and wields a bow that possesses multiple elements. (fire, ice, and thunder) Failed Monarch: A hulking white suit of armor with a dark aura who wields a massive axe. His face is fully exposed and appears as a old man with souless eyes and sleek green, hair. Death Remnant: An assassin with pure white skin and tatoos on both arms. Possesses short but spiky red hair and wears a bandanna, a sleeveless jacket, and baggy pants. Dual wields cursed shadow daggers with glowing red engravings. Wind Orphan: A small girl with pure white skin and short curly green hair. Is wearing light armor with a green shade, a white miniskirt, and green high heeled boots. Wields a wind-based magical tome that's consumed in a mighty tempest. Azure Crow: A lady with short blue hair covering one eye and pure white skin. Wears a revealing blue backless dress and wields a thunder-based tome sparkling with electric energy.

assorted monsters part 3. By KrimsonKatt

5 more assorted monsters of various different types. These include Faust, Faust. (evil alchemist using shadowy energy with messy grey hair and wearing reissuance-era clothing.) Toxic Slime, (a dark green colored slime that looks like sludge with a ghost-like mouth and eyes) Toilet Hand, (a grasping zombie hand reaching out of a toilet. Inspired by The Legend of Zelda) Durga, (pale-skinned female horned humanoid wearing a black gothic-themed leotard with 6 arms each wielding a sword. Wears black lipstick.) and a Shape Shifter. (blue jelly-like creature resembling a crude clay human doll from ancient times)

The Wardens of Hell by KrimsonKatt

This pack will include 4 battlers, each being one of the 4 wardens of hell from Dante's Inferno. These include Scarmiglione, Cagnazzo, Barbariccia, and Rubicante. Scarmiglione is a light brown undead boar/humanoid creature with a skull for a face and massive black horns, Cagnazzo is a blue turtle-like creature with a spiky shell and a human face with blank white eyes, Barbariccia is a humanoid woman with long flowing blonde hair and wearing a yellow leotard and a white short skirt riding a tornado, and Rubicante is a male grey-skinned humanoid with a cloak made of fire. Here are some images for reference: Scarmiglione: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/ee/Scarmiglione2_psp.png/revision/latest?cb=20121014001234Cagnazzo: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/d0/FFLTNS_Cagnazzo_Artwork.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160924060304Barbariccia: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/2c/Barbariccia_PSP.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20121013195539Rubicante: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/ba/Rubicante_PSP.png/revision/latest?cb=20121014000022

Assorted Demons by KrimsonKatt

This pack includes 5 battlers. First, the high incubus and high succubus. The incubus can be whatever you want but make sure it's distinctly masculine. (not a femboy) Then have the succubus wear an outfit similar to this but dark and evil: https://brightrockmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/angela-mysticqueen-528x1024.jpgNext battler is a lesser demon which is a skinny and lean demon that's kinda malnourished. It has dark green skin and possesses a jaw like an octopus. (think ultros from FF6) Has two massive arms/hands as big as it's body and fights slouched over. Next is Damorea, which is a demon that takes for the form of a bright dress with two massive eyes with large feminine eyelashes. It has the power to possess people by turning their shirts into another damora and then take control and reshape the host to their liking. Finally, there is the living doll, which is based on the "dark web living doll" creepypasta. They are dressed very revealingly wearing only a bikini and are completely emotionless, holding perfect smiles and blank, souless eyes at all times. They are covered in makeup and possess very large assets, also possessing incredibly strong psychic powers in service to their master.

Beastman Villagers and Warriors by KrimsonKattThis pack includes 5 battlers. Male and female beastman villager battlers, a beastman knight, a beastman holy knight/paladin, and a beastman holy knight/paladin general. Here are my concept designs for the male and female beastman villagers. (from xenoblade 2) Male: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/8/8d/Edgar.png/revision/latest?cb=20180324192705Female: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/f/f5/Gormotti_Female.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20180327223404The rest of the designs are fully up to you.

Assorted Yokai  by KrimsonKatt

A selection of five Yokai. A kappa, (blue goblin like creature with a bird-like beak and a bowl in its head carrying water along with hair that looks like a straw hat) a nekomata (firey cat demon with two firey tails) a parasol demon. (paper parasol with a single eye and large gaping mouth) a tengu, (red skinned humanoid who controls the wind using a massive fan) and a tanooki. (magical racoon who uses massive drums to attack.)

People of Color NPCS by Catpricorn Studios

would be nice to have more ethnic looks

Animal ghosts by Martjn Donker

Ghost-like creatures for different "regular" animals, such as wolf, boar and bird.

Cryptids by NuwKong

Paranormal Bosses based off of the folklore cryptids like Bigfot, The Yeti, Mothman, Jersey Devil, Giant Octopus etc

Minions of Omega Weapon by KrimsonKatt

These are enemies who have been corrupted by omega weapon's influence. As a reference Omga Weapon looks like this: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjrFR0xUo5gIScG1VQlzuGSzEnw1ljKVJqTx6wnIMxhZz3Q6W2MXmjnDQIiZCU0RRt3nFrJ-2Rcbh-rC3KAi1ze45PV9_hl7yaUlQ9sBanbsaWSmBV5i1NL0E3C9l7f7jF9-U7YoyqVXwfmMsS-x1alGKyYgxGEQut4q3MvFBED5y-qTZj8l84Pns2B=s320The first enemy is the Omega Creation which is an red and black eldritch creature with no discernable form and many yellow eyes. It has a single led to stand on. The second enemy is the omega golem who is a red and black eldrich golem with many yellow eyes. Finally there is the omega homnid which is an red and black eldrich creature with many yellow eyes and long black hair and that becomes black tentecles. Has a single yellow eye on thier forehead and no other facial features.


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