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As promised here is the Librarium animated poll for our May 2022 picks!

As mentioned these polls will run for a good while, as I continue making FV sprites and animated treatment for some previous releases, but we are definitely catching up at a good pace now! Please stay tuned!

Shadow Jeht By KrimsonKatt

A atlas-like giant carrying a giant cracked and bandaged egg on his shoulders. Has purple colored skin, empty eye sockets, grey dread-locky hair with rainbow markings, and hands and feet like a horse's legs. Also has a massive heart-shaped hole in his chest. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3A6gmsXYpo21TepSAVb2UWeLeu1h6uLWKLql6iwrYxnJ4G-UXiVAuejAOiH9T7Ih12ZsdveL7Ht8GWzTyrY4Hes27js-SOjnkU1Elr4ComsO1UVp9gok7_NbdYyNsaGlZpuHUAPWpzok9xi6eFIp9y7AqGoZXkMraqR4Ikjn-_zXTsaWZgbrLZ2d8/s320/Boss%20Shadow%20Jeht.png

Shadow Stacy by KrimsonKatt

A blonde young woman held in bonds with a large black bandage covering her eyes. Is being grasped by a golden zombie dragon leg which eventually transfers into a grasping draconic hand. The leg and hand are one body, and a glowing orange eye rests in the middle of the grasped-out hand. A demonic toothy smile also exists on the outside of the hand as well. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6TPcm8iKpivKzsTHaVSMB8jAV5PFepmpswqa3ZFi7-3jBn7cgWcXg62L0bhSSRQOZmVjuaPNib5v4IesVKZEmaWxSXpCw9Ozrj8bqOPhs3-CryvhoGJ3f_SONOhEBg7SxUhmYbFydWUMXgPekA4S4uwX_WyNbd0OJMjxXjEr-TZsirPn0pTCjiYu-/s320/Boss%20Shadow%20Stacy.png

Archfiends Part 2by KrimsonKatt

Description of Belphegor: A large blue slug-like creature with a large toothy mouth lazily resting on a large mechanical throne. The throne eventually transfers into a mechanical sphere (think a roomba ball with a throne on it) with many glowing red dots. A small crown rests on his head. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh6zXFelG6340EUjltZpJnEbCZBWVmzk5Pv5pAw4db2Yo1_FwDl2fXmTIhkvtiPeWe_P0JB5MWBzBDbjmt31OToGGfK8PHTeFUoinvOHb5E2huNVAIcQBIkmLVm2iSdmt8PdMJ-ViIjibylZl2TB4C1z3CrsrzQ9_79WdmrCFehiuq0aQgqy06nzELg/s320/Boss%20Archfiend%20Belphegor.png Description of Mammon: A female wheel-like creature made out of gold and possessing many previous gems strung around her. In the middle of the wheel is a golden mask that resembles a female face with four demonic arms circling out of the mask past the wheel and stretching outside. She possesses long red claws on each of the four arms as well as red spikes coming out of the elbows. Finally, two golden wings fly out on opposite sides of the wheel, one facing upwards and the other downwards. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg89Xx42ljtzGexyMzsfLlE9oFmUh_lOCVM62cpfhdJJNjlQXJ5V45GfnnLvKyry1flPQZEMMzcaKfiBPUZYiobFFzSEcC5wPQJpvSWZkD2-fkrJw_7osxS_MveLVYkcx1dSJ7WhtARAAucKqzCAVAnsqMce2u1kA9bTcjVGuZCNCFgq2e1YRsoTjI2/s320/Boss%20Archfiend%20Mammon.png

Archfiends Part 3by Krimsonkatt

Description of Asmodeus: A goat skull with glowing green eyes with green goop coming out of the eye sockets. Blow the skull appears a swooping green cloak with green fire welling up within it as well as a orange core. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi3hA2szIxNFSw072-3Efk_EMziaki8rUhzzu2_fUkoFccQDLJPnZOO2l8vn-T79TfnlpukBpZUVCdGyevb64lWAdPt6EqspFkSIX1dptXNseEGGQBSz_qsWm4rc-pabEOyRbkK3LwL2VTAHISAdg2OhI8LPjCVkClhDUNHbe9e1323Yr2px6e1Ko-C/s320/Boss%20Archfiend%20Asmodeus.png Description of Asherah: A demonic lady with pure white skin covered with dark purple tatoos. She is naked but featureless, like she is wearing a bodysuit. High heels are part of her biology, and she possesses a singular interlocking white and dark purple wing with spears coming out of the end. She wears dark purple lipstick, has long eyelashes, has possesses long red nails. She is currently dancing around a wooden poll similar to Palutena's down taunt in super smash bros. (a reference to the "asherah pole") Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgELnRDjEti5eWxmxAcpma37NNSPRPKtk9VCZEzE8DSDFa1uH_1GHhTvHg5BO5AXS6aR-IGqBz6hmDLWa7-kl3iRX3tUls3QvreubMemA_rATk4fbf7d-SkNvb3QpEYWgKqi83oBg7btQ2u72NLUOCFYuSMrSmD9-05dJ56FkOpJXP35JSF172524yR/s320/Boss%20Archfiend%20Asherah.png

Archfiend Beelzebub by KrimsonKatt

An extremely fat fly-like demon lying in a caldron full of junk food, his caldron carried by 4 fly servants and the caldron itself, which is winged. He is currently feasting on a massive chicken wing and is beyond slimy and rotted.

Burried Alive and Dead Hand by KrimsonKatt

A horrific slug-like creature with pale, sickly skin soaked in blood and rotting to it's core, with souless, blood red eyes and a creepy extremely-wide smile. His neck is extremely long and almost spine-like and his arms are replaced with white mantis-like appendages. Here is an image: (TW: Gore) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhoWIentkOrd2D-RmHE2WBWwJPA3pc0gIjsXhfuNuURFVf-fEubfX_1LWwocv_yH-rL8knIDgmlb-Y5k-lJubapYCFe4IpFfiGCWGcz7twsJO4g5FiYH21Ygn7-KbcpebkEl5mTta21yuSd2Ir1ihmdVOMycRB4iiZk37v5YbJADxl-qN86oW8xA_t0/s320/Boss%20Buried%20Alive.png He also has various hands that pop out of the ground, which are almost as creepy and unsettling due to not having one, but two joints for the arm. They have the same shade of sickly-white skin as their father and possess long red claws. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhURhhk0d2Vf5IF8_TUUKWLl8BjaA3Uygz_-pdjOmQLeK5gVOccJcZeQFYN_lB2DqmiiLLA0lzukxJXc3GYDH_oQCIx9KJrkIzfKqq8ARH1hZp1xmq78Gp3ywOdkeHN5WiOdqjxQ_w-802H7HzMLwsjBV8cUZ97SlCMxJb8-O0COjNq7F1qm4cW4HaZ/s1600/White%20Hand.png

Creator Barbelloby KrimsonKatt

The creator of the Chronicles of Chronicles multiverse and a celestial being beyond normal reality, existing in a higher plane of existence along with her fellow celestials. Appears as a beautiful fairy-like catgirl with long light brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin wearing a black and gold turtleneck leotard, a white miniskirt below the leotard, brown semi-opaque tights, black and gold thigh high heeled boots, and skin-tight black and gold opera gloves. She also possesses shining golden fairy wings and sly slime. Also has a very large rear, a perfect hourglass figure, and decently sized breasts. Here is an image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8f2PIJu8LOPaO6Un5F76yFCRI04uCDXrCSHdYIgXQ_lzE9qylph7zdyU098kT1giHgl1dhKBX0D90PeoPQubSyzNhYviXzTz1D9l_3yx_gjwqv_IvXEnu9N-1d3yEABXIofvIG2BdQvmn2ApiC4CSt0xRIb3WHZYGai3CYHw4twjIB5b03pBVLqhU/s320/Boss%20Barbello.png

THE NAMELESS ONE by Krimsonkatt

The ruler of the entire omniverse and supreme creator, the king of all of existence and ultimate supreme being. He is exists in all possible timelines, worlds, and dimensions, waiting until the day where this existence ends and a new, perfect one begins. He is light and goodness incarnate, and cannot tolerate evil. While he is a genderless, omnipotent, transcendent being, he identifies as male and his physical form appears as a beautiful androgious man with both male and female traits shining with incredibly strong light and possessing hundreds of massive shining gold wings. Has infinite power and stats so high that he could easily destroy all of existance with a flick of his wrist. HP: 33,000,000,000, AP: Infinite, STR: 333,000 DEF 133,000 INT: 333,000, WIS: 133,000, SPD: 512,000 SKL: 512,000

Drakus the conqueror by BlueDragon

A hydra mega dragon with multiple heads one of each of these elements, fire, water, ice, nature, light, shadow, and thunder. he is a massive dragon that strikes fear into any that would dare go against him. He hold no weapons, he uses his clawz, tail for his physical attacks, and his ultimate attacks is all his heads unleashing their element upon the victim!---> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6614730690554026/

Cryst the mad Lizard by BlueDragon

A large drake like lizard beast that is covered in crystals, mad with power and greed, this creature is set on adding everything it can to its horde of treasure and will kill anything that gets in it way! A ref for the beast-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563018694425109/

Princess Orchidby BlueDragon

Description a beautiful Orchid mantis princess, she is as beautiful as she is deadly!-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/982840318652849890/

Aquarios Wolf of the Night & Sea by BlueDragon

A Humanoid Wolf Wizard, he is as majestic as he is powerful, With is paws he can control the tides of sea. A ref to this majestic beast-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/16888567371416607/

Yukino The Winter Spirit by Ray

The last of the seasonal spirits I'm suggesting, in spirit of frosty Winter, the freezing cold season full of fluffy flurries of white snow, cloudy dark sky and slippery patches of ice. Yukino, the calm and serene, yet brutal and unforgiving to those who's unfortunate enough to cross her path. In an RPG, she would be the super strong rare encounter boss you'd come across while randomly walking in a snowy winter map. Appearance: A beatiful girl with pitch dark hair and skin as pale as snow, wearing a long white kimono (similar to this outfit https://www.wattpad.com/808706140-yuki-instagram-demon-slayer-%E2%9D%84%EF%B8%8F-post-1%E2%9D%84%EF%B8%8F). She's surrounded white snowflakes and has a floating blue crystal icicle.

General purpose Battler Template by Catpricorn Studios

I think having a simple humanoid form that has animations for the standard types of attacks could be really cool. Thing of it as the Polygons from Super Smash. A standard animated template that people could draw upon or photoshop the limbs and character look. Here is an example of an AI generated character that could easily be animated with some copy pasting and a working skeleton in Dragon Bones! https://www.artbreeder.com/i?k=efb1f59b0877e73b2d0261d0b27c

Shadow Zenith by Krimsonkatt

A vampire ballerina with a mouth dripping blood, bloody wounds on her neck, has blue sholder length hair, and the vampire-ness spreading throughout her body starting from her neck. She is wearing a white ballgown soaked with stains of blood and is wearing white tights with golden ballerina heels. The ballgown eventually is ripped halfway down, revealing in inner structure of the dress. She is in a stiff ballerina pose, hands in the air and legs perfectly skiff. If you look closely her legs are actually bonded together with a chain and so are her arms. This enemy is the physical manifestation of Zenith's inner darkness, the fear of becoming a vampire and her being forced to adhere to role she's not comfortable with, that of a princess, in order to keep up public appearances. This boss must be fought to unlock Zenith's ultimate class in the game Meteo Chronicles R as part of Zenith's EX quest. Reference image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjY1Xny1tC5s1HY24W50k9U5jN3cuurkCTnHtUGQKOBffleI6GBk4Tg4hEjvyh9kKGHEkJ7LpJr5eCS3URUcU5PTM4vp386RD_19B_RaRqIQghaxPZM9pkJiXkYH5llwCtgsQ4bko_3B7RUlcyPQvy81zgVw2xUk3ZbnnfD6MhcacgT9i5pQT_JrcsU/s320/BOSS%20Shadow%20Zenith.png

Legendary Knight Ansellus

Considering how far you've come in making most of the other Legendary Knights animated already, it'd be cool to animate Ansellus to move and attack like "Doc Oct" from the Spiderman comics, only with 6 "arms" instead of 4 of course. To make him stand out, adding a beam laser as one of his animated attacks would be perfect in addition to the usual stab/swipe attacks.

Metatron the Ascended One by KrimsonKatt

A massive robotic humanoid angel with 6 mechanical wings, a metal face, and a highly advanced robotic humanoid body. Is light elemental.

Storm Rider by KrimsonKatt

A dragon/wyvern monster with a large yellow beard and 6 electric horns stretching across its back that possesses fans for wings and no legs, only a tail. Inspired by a specific boss from the game Kingdom Hearts II. A reference image can be found here: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/a/ae/StormRider.png/revision/latest?cb=20110824051125

Agni the She-Dragon by KrimsonKatt

A distinctly female fire dragon similar to the previous fire dragon battlers you did like the magma dragon battler.

Shadow Koros by KrimsonKatt

A half pink half blue demon with glowing pink eyes who's lower body is shaped like a massive ballgown. It's right hand is a gloves feminine arm while it possesses two left muscular clawed arms with large black claws. Two additional arms are in the middle binding a feminine figure with elf ears light brown skin and long blue hair. Here is a link to a sample image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/Shadow_Koros.png

Wukong 2.0 by Aaron Break

I would like Wukong Animated to be repaired or create a new Animated Wukong Battler. I think it would be nice if it made more fighters as allies.


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