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January 2022 First Update Cycle

For the January 2022 update cycles I am going with creature concepts which I've had in the back of my head for a while now that I feel can be interesting additions to your projects! 

  • Statics - Assorted Oni
  • Statics - Elemental Bears
  • Statics - Stone Knights
  • Statics - Zombie Warriors
  • Animated - Raijin And Fujin
  • Animated - Arch Stone Knight

You will be seeing the production of these shortly after the update to the catch up bundle!

Thanks your patience and support!



I see nowhere where we can download the updated first and second cycle every month. I pay 10e/months (dragon level) for a content that only is available every 3months without everything that is expected. No 4direction sprites etc...That's the same situation since more than 6months, with every time the same words : it's comming soon, next month etc? If things doesnt change i will send a message to the patreon administration and leave that producter.


this is getting old. these are great but how do we get them? I thought paying for them was how we got them but thats obviously not true?


I apologize for the erratic behavior from me you've experienced Cosmic, Last month I was thrown off the grid due to constant traveling back and forth to a neighboring city for some therapies and evaluations my son needed, this month that will not be the case however, and I feel all the drive to use my energy to grind through the pending content and sort this situation once and for all , I completely understand your frustation, thanks for your enormous patience so far, In these you will be seeing a lot of progress and asset availability as before all the incidents from the past 6 months


Sorry for letting you down lately Nick, I will be grinding through all the content and updating regularly all of this month to sort this situation once and for all. I am currently drawing all of the content plus some more ( In fact here's a bit of a preview of what I'm about to update with later https://gyazo.com/4c4d12fae965cefdea21345a92419827 ) I was planning to upload the November + December 2021 content already but due to a mistake on my end I illustrated a wrong set of monsters for December rather than the ones I had already promised so now I'm grinding through those today, in the end that will mean even more monsters for the December set, though I understand what you want is to be able to actually use them, and that will be very soon, This month I won't be needing to drive my son back and forth to a neigboring town for some evaluations and therapies he needed last month, so my focus will ,be on grinding through all the pending content. I will fix this situation *right now* and to do so I am drawing all of the content I owe you non-stop, thanks for your enourmous understanding so far


We need a spot for us Dragons to just see everything that a Dragon can get - even the older stuff.. I've missed a few over the months. (been going back and forth from states here, much as you did for my little girl. ) Darn Covid.


I'd support this. I'm mainly after some nice map sprites for my Chrono Trigger / on map battle sequences.


This month I will be working extensively to tackle the reward sets for the pending content so you will definitely see it!