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Been a while since the last update and you know what that means! I've been hard at work catching up with the pending Librarium releases and i'm happy to announce we're are almost up to date!

Originally I was gonna upload the October2021 base content at the start of the month, but i had this itch to include more content along that update so I figured I should add the November + December content all at once. I wanted to get these done much faster, projecting this to happen around the 17th or 24th, but the desired illustration quality  plus some general life circumstances previously explained also impacted on these dates, regardless I think you will find useful additions in the November + December 2021content!

The Archfiend Duo took a gooooood chunk of tiem to get right, but I think they will make for great additions to projects

Apolo, Artemis and Ares! Gods of Ancient myths archetype Drawn in the suggested specifications!

For the December 2021 updates I chose to focus on smaller but more varied and "utility" mobs, A magic wooden doll warriors and elemental mushrooms archetypes felt like good additions with many potential uses!

Athena, Natsumi and the Faeries!

Spiritual Apes and yet another new archetype for December 2021, Magic Chess pieces!

Librarium has a set of chess pieces released way back in the day, but they are quite dated by now and a rather different take from this one.

Baetylus and minions of Baetylus!

Though the original Baetylus suggestion was part of the November 2021 update cycle lot, the minions are a December 2021 update cycles idea, it felt like a fitting opportunity to have more of these spirit fire minions which can be used in so many different scenarios!

There's a few creatures missing from the preview but essentially the 2021 base content is pretty much complete and will be added to the catch up bundle upload soon! The January 2021 base content design has also been sketched for the most part and I feel there should be no issue in grinding through its completion asap after uploading these 2021 battlers to the catch up bundle!

As usual you can rest assured the base content and its associated rewards will be produced, it's just that the amount of battlers and the desired quality don't lend themselves too well to be rushed at times!

I will be making the January 2021 Update cycle charged posts in a bit and you can expect to see all of these battlers in the catchup bundle in a bunch of hours from now!


I seem to have made a terrible mistake and mistook the alternate list of December 2021 battler ideas as the one I had decided on. 

What does that mean? Well. That means a certain someone is going to pull an all nighter and do the original list I had promised, the one including and listing snow golems and the like. I had planned to use this energy to grind the catch up, but as it was my mistake, the creatures which were originally promised for December 2021 *will* get done.This also means more battlers in general since the ones from the alternate list are already complete,  I'll be updating you again in a couple hours. Meanwhile some progress! I just got the snow golems done! 

Edit #2

I spent the day advacing the correct December 2021 battlers and Slime Girls are now ready and just require a few tweaks!

They are girls. They are slimes. Slime girls!

Though we will end up with even more content, creating the correct set of Demceber 2021 battlers sorta kicked my  initial plan of uploading the already created content, I realize a good chunk of our community is really looking forward to actually using these so up next i'll briefly stop production of the correct December 2021 battlers and resume the initial plan of packing and uploading what is already done, you can look forward to that tomorrow!

As always thanks for your patience :)




Great, it looks fantastic. One questio... can we use material from past dates but respecting the terms and conditions?


Nice to see some progress. Can't wait to add some of them to my project. Thanks for the update!


Thank you so much!!! This is absolutely amazing!!! You really brought my ideas to life in the most perfect way!! This was well worth the wait. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


Thanks for the update :)


When will be download available or how do we download?


When will the download become available? I'm been waiting all day and yesterday but no link!