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After much thinking I have finally decided on the set of creatures I will be producing for the May 2021 update cycles!

First Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated - Frost Lich 
  • Librarium Animated - War Mammoth 
  • Librarium Statics - Insect Automatons 
  • Librarium Statics - Foxtribe Warriors

Second Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated - Crababoon
  • Librarum Animated - Megalodile
  • Librarium Statics - Gemstone Ferals
  • Librarium Statics - Evolutionary Entity

Since I figured just listing them out would not be too illustrative and I am not good at making text descriptions, I figured I would illlustrate their concepts at a super rough level to portray better what we can expect out of these base releases!

They are not in actual sale in relation to one another, and in the case of Librarium statics, only one representative creature was made, with the exception of the Evolutionary entity!

Regardless Let's go over each one of them!

Librarium Animated - Frost Lich

A lich who attacks with powerful spells, affinity towards Ice/Water

Librarium Animated - War Mammoth

A feral looking mammoth clad in armor who crushes its targets

Librarium Statics - Insect Automatons

Machinery inspired insects, albeit the aim is not high tech but rather them feeling as the defenses of an ancient location.

Librarium Statics - Foxtribe Warriors

Much like the Gnolls, but Foxes!

Librarium Animated - Crababoon

A merger between a crab and a baboon.

Librarum Animated - Megalodile

A merger between a shark and a crocodile!

Librarium Statics - Gemstone Ferals

Gemstones who have taken over feral looking protectors to defend themselves from being stolen! They will also be displaye dwith elemental affinities, for instance the Ruby Fire Minotaur!

Librarium Statics - Evolutionary Entity

An artificial looking creature, illustrated through its 3 evolutionary stages

Designs above are not final, bu they should give an accurate idea of what I'm going for!

Hope you will look forward to these!

Lets get to work!

 Please stay tuned!




Super cool designs 😍


Catpricorn Studios anxiously awaits these incredible assets <3