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Today I have finally completed and polished all the April 2021 related reward work, you can find and download it through the links below!

Once again I am posting these here instead of DMs because there seems to be a bug of sorts specifically related to my inbox, which I'll have to inquire about to Patreon at a later date!

BOX Links






Thanks for your patience and support!

When I said I would have these around the 10th I did not expect to extend all the way to the 15th, but I got a good reason for it! I wanted to squeeze in a surprise update to the Librarium tileset whire hasn't seen updates in a while!

The latest update to the Librarium tileset will bundle in an ancient looking castle interior with several objects to make it possible to populate at a functional level!

Unfortunately despite the rush I still feel the wall autotiles require more tweaks so this updated tileset will be made available on Monday instead, please stay tuned for it!

I will also begin to produce Librarium tileset suggestions made in the past and recently, its better that we have the  base for them as soon as possible!

As you may have noticed, May 2021 polls did not go online during the time where the production of the  April 2021 reward sets was active, there is a reason behind that!

Every year I take a random month where I create battlers which I feel can boost areas and archetypes Librarium is particualrly lacking, I believe May will be that month this year! It was not the plan originally but ultimately I felt it would align better to catch up with severe Librarium manitenance work, a backlog of messages to reply to and the general growth of Librarium!

This Monday I will be announcing the creatures I plan to create for May 2021, please stay tuned! After that, June 2021 polls will go up on the 24th, so that voting starts before the month ends!

My life has been a super wild ride in recent months with a myriad of events which have taken their toll on me in several ways, I just want to take this oppotunity to say thank you! At dark times the support you guys show to me gives me that boost to keep going! As always my way to express this is by working and producing content to the best of my ability and my compromise is to keep on raising that bar, Please hang in there with me! I know I have slowed down in recent months derived of several blows in recent months, but this was not a deacceleration to stop, it was merely a breath to push the pedal back to full sprint!

Thanks for your support as always!

Librarium is about to get a lot better!




Hey, Ækashics! I'm new here, just finished browsing through your astonishing HUGE collection of high quality assets! First of all, I wanted to congratulate you for all the awesome work you've been doing so far: now that I know how I can unlock/find it, I'll do my best to set aside a small fund to get, with time, as many of your characters and monsters as I can. Secondly, I wanted to thank you for everything you give a novice game designer: I'll be honored to use your own creations in my game. As soon as it's released, I'll take care of sharing a *special* special thanks for you: I think characters and monsters are the soul of any RPG, and yours will give my work life and colors. If I ever manage to have some monetary return, I'd also be glad to find a special gift for you! If you ever find yourself curious about my project, please, write me on Discord at VI2D#0922, or via email at overgame.director@gmail.com: I'll gladly share any information about its development with you, as I think, as one of its main artists, you deserve all the rights a full-fledged member of the game creation team would have. Last, but not least: whatever situation you're living in your life, please, always take care of yourself first. I, as well as, I'm sure, all your patreons here, love and support your ongoing work, which helps many of us realizing the dream of making a game, and will continue supporting you even through hardships. Let's stick together during these strange times, keeping up the good work while sharing the fun that is creating together without any hurry or obligation! ;D Thank you for everything so far, take care, VI2D


Thank you very much!


One thing to say : take care of yourself first. We can wait patiently on our side !