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Legendary Knight Dante by Fyoha

Among the Legendary Knights, there are two siblings that were hand-picked by Pizarro to join them and help lead a campaign based on an assortment of studies on particular, magical arts and other fields of research and design. A foundation that is rumored to be responsible for the reason behind the dark, arcane powers that are harnessed by each member, disciple, and soldier alike. These two siblings are known as Dante and Jeanne. Dante, the older brother of Jeanne, is a wizard rumored to be gifted with using magic that enables extraplanar activity to cross dimensions with his own. He is well adept in a particular array of conjuration arts such as summonings, opening portals, creating seals and banishing foes. Although Dante may have the intellect to win a battle with magic alone, he still doesn't mind infusing his armor and weapons with magical enhancing properties to get the edge over his opponents in a melee encounter... or perhaps as an insurance policy in case one of his summons turns on him.

Sun Priestess by Harleshay

An animated expansion of your Sun Priestess figure (Librarium Bonus #906 posted May 9 2019), including animation of the staff and shield she bears. She is adept at light and barrier arts, and with one word can protect herself or others from harm. However her magic doesn't last forever. If a force is strong enough to break her barriers, then she is forced to use only her shield as protection. She is very strong-willed, and guards her post and what she treasures to the bitter end, even at the expense, or even destruction, of the world around her. Her word is her vow. Attacks: She can attack by using light magic through her staff. She can attack either one character or multiple characters at a time. Her attacks can consist of lowering attributes (like defense, attack, light resistance, etc), wiping away positive buffs from a character (or characters), or inflicting light-based damage. Defense: She can defend by either using her shield or conjuring a barrier around herself (or possibly others who may be fighting with her).

Berserker Slime by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Berserker use two Axes, of course. He may be Red (maybe dark Red). He can wear some barbaric stuff too.

Crystal Golem Incusk by SiGxGiS

Incusk is an artificial golem created from crystals by the Earth God. Being a golem normally means he has to listen to the Gods and execute every command but not this one. Over the years he grew a kind of intelligence and create his own army of golems to conquer the mines to create even more golems. By observing and defeating adventurers he learned to wield a spear and a shield. His body can reflect light and he even learned to focus those lights and shoot them as an laser from his mouth. Appearance: Being a golem means he is huge in appearance. His body is made from light green crystals with a blue orb on his chest. In his right hand he holds an crystal spear and his right hand an buckler. Around his neck he wears a cape made out of capes from defeated adventures.

Amalgamate, the Lustful Ignorance by KrimonKatt A mutant monster with a gaping redish-pink triangular maw with fangs on the sides, two eyes reaching outside the head like a slug's eyes with it's branches being flesh-colored, two peach-colored lanky hairy legs with long yellow toenails, two hairy arms with large pink and black claws at the end of them, and a long, fleshy tail, opening into a mass of distorted female faces covered in make up with large lips and long eyelashes screaming in agony. Description behind the creature: Long has this abominable creature waited within the depths of the forlorn woods, seeking out suitable prey unsatisfied with their dull lives and converting them into part of it's succubus-like hive mind. It appears to those it seeks as a beautiful woman who's appearance is based off who the target most desires, and tempts it's targets with illusions of glory, spender, and pleasure. Once the target gets close enough to the monster, the monster transforms into it's true, abominable form, slowly absorbing the victims entire physical, mental, and even spiritual essence into itself, adding another consciousness to it's ever growing hivemind. It seeks to make all of existence one, each consciousness on the planet sharing a single body with each of it's many forms shaped to the individual's every desire. Thus tells the tale of the Banna Abomination, who while once was an innocent teenage boy, was slowly twisted by their unending lust and the influence of demons to become the abomination you see today.

Misty by Blue Dragon.Human Princess Misty whisperer of the Blue Jay A beautiful decked out princess ready for any ball, or party. Misty is a peaceful, modest, young princess, who loves well birds! Especially Blue Jays, but that’s not all she also have the ability to speak with them. These birds are not only her friends they are her family too, and they’d fight to the death for her, meaning her blue jays are also her weapons! Please use the reference given for her character!--> https://www.deviantart.com/eranthe/art/Blue-Jay-212739664

Deljya by Blue Dragon Super Human Princess Deljya the glorious Deliya is a abnormal sized super human, infact you could call her a mini or small giant, for she is a little over 7ft tall! When young adult she was chased from her home village and left to die in the jungle there against all odds she found a secluded jungle tribe who took her size and beauty as a sign from the gods, and anointed her as there Queen/Cheiftess, now she is adorned in the finest dress and feathers and jewels her tribe can muster. Her weapon is ruby spear adorned with colorful feathers ,and golden rings. Please use the reference given for her character!--> https://www.deviantart.com/eranthe/art/Phoenix-243054008

Hydra DelPloom by Blue DragonCreature 3 Headed Hydra DelPloom A very large 3 headed blue scaled hydra with dragon features, with a long sea dragon/serpent body, this hydra walks on all fours on land and is a faster swimmer in water, then it’s movement on land. The three headed hydra can attack with 3 different elements (one from each head). Fire, Lightning, and and Ice! Use the Reference pic provided, may also shorten the length of the tail as well. àhttps://www.deviantart.com/grimmla/art/Hydra-816162315

Snow Villager NPCS by Raven Burns Snow Villager NPCS! Description: A _Snow Villager Librarium Series_ that we can expand on. NPCS in furs and blankets. --->Not modern-day<-----, more of a dark-ages-themed. Ranging from the Elderly to small children of both genders. These would be 4-Direct Humanoid and prove useful in almost any project.

The Nephilim by Mika

Humanoid creature with a sewn-up mouth using its white wings to slice through enemies. Name: The Nephilim Description behind the creature: this creature is skinny but has beautiful white wings. he uses his long, sharp hands to fight. he looks like an undead but is extremely fast and agile. before, he was human. today all she has left is her torn clothes.

Animated Wildcard Pick by Digital WF

1.Water Element Monster Name : Merman Description : A humanoid fish-like monster with fin and sharp claws Illustration Example : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RYokdy 2.Earth Element Monster Wild Boar/Hog Description : A bloodthirsty Ferocious wild boar, have gigantic head and tusk. Illustration Example : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1nbvY2 3.Fire Element Monster Fire Spirit Volcania Description : A vengeful woman soul who turned into angry fire spirit when sacrificed to the gods by a volcanic tribe. Illustration Example :https://i.pinimg.com/originals/61/20/c7/6120c72d99d329b49c9138d4428a9772.jpg 4.Thunder Element Monster Electrobird Description : Like a phoenix, but is thunder element instead of fire. 5.Undead Element Monster Mummy Description : egyptian-themed most popular monster, a mummy.

Pre-legendary Knight Regulus by Anonfox93

Animated update to Pre-legendary Knight Regulus Name: Pre-legendary Knight Regulus Description behind the creature: With the successful slaying of Ptolemaios, a now visibly irritated Regulus stood before the King. The King nervously assured Regulus he would only have one last task to complete, to acquire a special jewel known as the Heart of Gaia. Regulus traveled to the location of the jewel but when he approached he was stopped by the Titan Dynamo. Sensing a pure heart and a noble purpose, Dynamo transformed into an exact copy of the young man challenging him in single combat. After a long and arduos battle the Titan yielded and gifted the young man a replica of the jewel. When Regulus returned to the Throneroom the king ran over and greedily grabbed the jewel from his hands while barking orders from his servants to release his parents immediately. However their reunion was cut short as King's advisors warned a pair of warriors were approaching the castle. The king quickly asked Regulus if hee could dispose of these trespassers, to which he agreed.

凌雪 by shenxt1219 Japanese Ninja

Dual dagger animated character by Digital WF

Let’s help complete librarium animated RPG class fellas! We have a lot of class already made like swordman, knight, hunter, gunner, spearman, mage, witches, brawler, but the Librarium animated does not have a dual dagger animated class at all! I have picked two from the static character and I hope it can get enough vote to complete the RPG class categories.

Atlanticus, the Ascended by Alexander Giacomo Based off of the Glaucus Atlanticus sea slug, the Atlanticus would be a psychic form of that, one that has grown to human proportions, and can levitate in the air via telekenisis, deep phosphorescent magic energy flowing through its amorphous form.

Eaglebear by Rye_Breaded_Cooder Basically an Owlbear, but an eagle instead! Body of a bear, head of an eagle. The bear's body could have a feathery down running across its back, turning into bear fur the further back you go. The Eaglebear possesses a pair of wings, but the creature itself is grounded, only really using them for elevated jumps and agile backwards movement. The creature would be sized more appropriately to that of a medium-level enemy. Bear-sized, basically. It could have three attacks: A bite - well, a peck, really; a forward lunge or swipe; and one in which it stamps its foot and screeches - could be used for inflicting status effects or what have you. Initially, I put this forward as an owlbear, but then I wasn't sure about ripping straight from DnD, so this is the final edit: eaglebears! More ferocious-looking, too.

Gallarth, the unfortunated fortuneteller by SiGxGiS Gallarth was once a very popular fortuneteller. Not only were his prediction to 100% on the point but he was a ladykiller too. But that all changed the day he pissed of the wrong lady who turned out to be a witch. She cursed him and now he has not only bad luck with everything but due to an accident he also looses his eyesight and both arms. Gallarth developed a third sence and can now “see” with his inner eye to tell shapes and developed a kind of telekinesis with which he moves his tarot cards. His fortunetelling is still on the point. Appearance: Gallarth wears a perforated grey coat, brown boots and a brown hat with a blue feather. He’s not much of an active fighter but can tell the fortune for his party to boost the morale and predict the outcome of the fights.

Elizabeth, Envoy of Apocalypse by Ray

In light of recent events, I would love to see a younger version of Queen Elizabeth in a battle armor that retains the majestic detailed garment of royalty but with a more menacing Darth Vader-like overtone, without completely making the whole outfit just black. It would also be fitting if she is surrounded by spiritual dark red/purple hounds.


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