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As the title reads, February 2021 reward sets have been sent out and should be waiting for you over at your private message inbox!

I want to take up this opportunity to state a huge Thank You to our community for your patience and understanding. I don't intend for delays as we saw for the February 2021 content to be the norm so I have already taken necessary steps to prevent this scenario from happening again, steps more definitive when compared to previous approaches, and also crafted taking into account the state of my health and personal matters so that those factors stop having such a huge impact in my release schedules and productivity as an asset creator in recent times, in coming days I am sure you will feel these changes, and unless I end up in a hospital bed, I'm sure with the new steps taken there won't be more delays like the ones we saw in February 2021!

As always, thank you for believing in Librarium as a whole and despite the delays, you can be certain I continue to put my everything into every new design and illustration coming out!

Thank you!

March 2021 Polls will be released tonight and will run until the 17th! Please stay tuned!

I will also start to answer to several private messages which were sent to me in recent days, I apologize for the delay in response, I have been catching up with a lot of work recently!




Thanks once again for bringing us high quality assets! Hope the health thing is nothing serious, please don't burn yourself out, I think we all can handle a delay if that assures you'll be in better condition.


Thank you! Honestly I am fine with delays once I know they will happen. This was my first month on Patreon so I was not sure if it was something I was missing or a delay. Please take the time to ensure your own health and wellness. I'm sure all of us agree that we'd rather wait a few extra days than have you burn out.