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Hey guy! lots of things to talk about this time around so lets get to it!

First of all, I've finished sending out the Rewards for the RTP Alter update VI as promised !  The next batch of rewards will be made available on the first week of the following month and subsequent rewards will follow that pattern as well(Rewards for both the first and second update will be sent out in the first week of the following month) Patreon will do the charge on the 1st of every month!

In other news, I've finished creating the long promised Community contributions section over at the main website! Check it out from time to time to see what fellow users have crated based on Librarium designs!

Lastly I want your opinion on a very important matter regarding the general direction of the Librarium in subsequent releases!

I've been considering to give greater foucs to animated monsters, seeing as how they are the norm now for many Indie RPGs and there's a huge shortage of them, I do not want you, Librarium supporters, to fall behind either!

What I want to propose is this;

In one update, I will release a set of animated monsters from Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3 with the appropriate recolors. There will be no static monsters released with this as animating -three- monsters takes a considerable amount of time and effort!

In the following update,  there will be a static Rank 1, Rank 2, and Rank 3 monster for each rank. But included with that is an ever glorious animated Rank 4 monster to go with it!  As you may know, Rank 4's are like Dragonlord Demios . This will effectively take a lot more time to make, which is why I can only release one of each static rank, and one animated Rank 4.

I want you guys to let me know what you think about it, either with a vote on a poll or/and in the comments! http://strawpoll.me/6848210



That's an incredibly awesome plan :D! I think totally go for it :) More animations would be epic :3 and rotating for statics + animated boss like that balances out super nicely ^^!!


I like the idea of rank 4 but I admit that to begin a voucher rpg, before arriving at the big rank monster 4, we would need more of rank 1 and 2.


More animated monsters is a very good news ! And everytime you do a amazing job on it !


Well we can hope! It seems a lot of people shared this sentiment based on the poll haha.


Agreed! That's why per month I still create 3 of each rank animated, 3 of each rank static and only 1 dragon!


I like the idea of having more animated Monster as well. In the end it doesnt matter for me i like both static and animated equal. Still voted for the new release sheme..


In my opinion the new release sheme would be just perfect! We are able to fill up the casual enemys with animated one's (i hope for something like a standart wolf at rank 2, and i still hope for the tiny bird i saw that one day on your twitter timeline :D). And every 2nd Release our Boss Section is getting bigger and bigger :D