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Hey guys! Let's try this out!

I'll be now doing the paid post for our RTP Alter VI update and will be sending out the tier rewards personally shortly after the tip has been passed! (Or the first thing I'll get done early in the morning, a couple of hours from now!)

 Let's figure out how this approach works for all us and see how it goes!

Thanks for your support ! I hope you will enjoy the content I have prepared.

In our Wisp Tier folder you will find the Full-Resolution .PSDs and resizes for our static battlers of the week!

In our Minotaur Tier folder you will find a sample project with the latest updated versions of Librarium battlers and their recommended notetag settings for Yanfly's Animated sideview enemies script! For this particular release I focused on fixing the scale of the static sideview battlers so that they look better!

 some samples below!



The minotaur reward is all about user convenience! See it as saving you the trouble of messing with settings and having early access to future battler updates to be posted on the librarium, as well as quick access to every release up to this point!

In our Dragon tier folder you will find everything related to our Dragon Animated Battler, from individual full resolution frames and parts, to his .spine animation file!

To quote myself, Receiving the PSDs to these files means you guys are free to edit, resize or modify the battlers for your own personal project needs, so long as there's no individual redistribution involved! You're also free to adapt the drawings to be used as avatars in forums, signatures, title screens,etc.

  • TL;DR You can use the file for any graphic need, just keep it private please (╯✧▽✧)╯!

If you got any question, commer or suggestion, don't hesitate to let me know!




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2023-05-17 23:08:39 So.. lets see how that works.. I have no idea if you already got the pledge from me or not.. first time i pledge per Content instead of per Month.. hopefully that will work out without problems :> .. and now I'll need to read some tutorials on .spine .. Anyway still thank you for your amazing work Akashics! I love the Hornet <3
2016-02-17 08:30:40 So.. lets see how that works.. I have no idea if you already got the pledge from me or not.. first time i pledge per Content instead of per Month.. hopefully that will work out without problems :> .. and now I'll need to read some tutorials on .spine .. Anyway still thank you for your amazing work Akashics! I love the Hornet <3

So.. lets see how that works.. I have no idea if you already got the pledge from me or not.. first time i pledge per Content instead of per Month.. hopefully that will work out without problems :> .. and now I'll need to read some tutorials on .spine .. Anyway still thank you for your amazing work Akashics! I love the Hornet <3


Haha well it turned out Patreon still only charges during the first of every month! I felt like sending the rewards for RTP Alter VI anyways because that was the agreed understanding before! I'll send the rewards for RTP Alter VII in the first week of the following month to match how Patreon's system works!