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Queen Bee by Rye_Breaded_Cooder

Complimenting the Librarium Animated Megapack's Bee, the Queen Bee is a true matriarch of the hive, possessing: an elongated stinger protruding from an oversized abdomen; large mandibles; and perhaps a floral crown atop her head.

Rock Monster Gorilla by Kaylie Kong

A gorilla shaped rock monster with stalagmites of said gem growning out on its hunching back. Smash things like the hulk. small face and eyes. The body is mostly made of usual colored rocks, but the back is vivid in color from the special gems of that species.

Whistling blind Girl Martha by SiGxGiS

Born as a blind poor girl, she was sold by her parents to a mysterious man as a guinea pig for an untested mutation serum. As a result of the serum she lost her voice and stopped to grow up. After the laboratory was closed she was abandoned in the wildness where she learned from wild bats to see through supersonic sound waves. Later on she even learned how to defend herself though her whistling in different sound frequencies.

Appearance: Martha looks like a little girl but in reality no one knows how old exactly she is, even she doesn’t know. She has short brown tousled hair with a flower in her hair and wears a teared black dress with brown shoes. Always by her side is her adopted bat-brother Beat.

Wizened Bruser Trishna

Trishna appears as a stooped and bespectacled old woman with a dark complexion and long grey hair, perhaps in cornrows. She hunches over a staff and wears a black functional dress. Her idle motion makes her easy to underestimate, but her attacks quickly dispel this illusion. She catches opponents off guard with her main attack, which is using her staff to boost herself off the ground and deliver a high kick at face level or higher, and reveals legs of epic musculature. Another favorite attack of hers is leaning on her staff then giving a rapidly delivered surprise uppercut, revealing chiseled arms. Of course she's learned some magic in her years of adventuring, so her staff can be used in a magic attack motion. Other potential attacks are kicks at different levels, straight punch, and perhaps a melee staff attack as well.

Mecha Falcon – H.A.W.K. by SiGxGiS

The H.A.W.K. (Hovering Army Warfare Killermashine) was build by the same company which also build the C.E.A.S.A.R. and the C.A.E.L.E.S. While those two are build to fight enemies on the ground, the HAWK will intercept and fight flying enemies. Appearance: The H.A.W.K. resembles a silver-black mechanical falcon with shining red eyes. In his wings are turbines and at the end are little knifes. Attackpattern: Attack A – The HAWK attacks with his razor-sharp claws Attack B – The HAWK shoots little knives from his wings at the enemy Attack C – The turbines create a wind gust and shoot them at all the enemies Attack D – The HAWK let out a loud scream

Azumi Hayabusa the Legendary Kunoichi by Digital WF

Azumi is the best kunoichi in her clan, she never fail a mission and in battle, her enemies can barely touch her thanks to her unusual agility and her shadowstep skill. Azumi is a member of elite ninja guild called the "Shadow Reaper", the most powerful assassin guild in the realm, even in the guild full of dangerous assassins, Azumi is feared and the guild member respected her, some member who are foolish enough to challenge Azumi to a 1v1 Duel, dies without they can draw their weapons. Azumi's Skills : Shadow Step, Sneak Attack, Death Blossom, Shadow Assault, Assassinate (Ultimate) I think the Librarium need more Ninja and Asssassin Character that specialize in Agility&Critical. I really like this Kunoichi from fire emblem series called Kagero, beautiful and dangerous. Maybe Azumi can have similiar atmosphere like this character,link here -Image from fire emblem for reference https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Kagero

Mountain Giant Mountoll by Jonathan G

A giant that hides among the mountains, blending in with surroundings. Massive in size, with colors of dirt, nearly blending with a mountain, having armor made from stone and a massive stone axe capable of splitting the seas.

High-tech battle tank Tekpanzer by Zombie Toast

A futuristic (similar aesthetic to the post modern soldiers) battle tank with quad treads and a short barreled turret. panels on the tank's flanks or top slide away to reveal missile bays or to extend additional weaponry.

Zodiac Capricorn by Anonfox93

Animated version of Earth element Zodiac Capricorn

Zodiac Virgo by Anonfox93

Animated version of Zodiac Virgo

King DerWinter, Lord of the Council of the Holy Spear by Damian Castaway

A legendary young king on horseback, who rides a steed of white and wields a holy lance

King DerWinter wears steel-plate armor, a lion helmet where the mouth acts as the visor, wears a thick blue cape with a fur collar, rides a large white horse which wears armor that stretches from it's rear to its snout. He carries a long spear with a silver shaft, which ends in a huge speartip made of pure radiant light. As a young child, DerWinter was chosen by the Holy Lance to be it's wielder, and lord of the Council of the Holy Spear. Wielding this great weapon put him at priority to the throne, ahead of even his own far more experienced and qualified brothers who now serve him on his Council. Now at age 18, he stands proudly as the youngest King after the death of his father at the hands of the Eldrtich Corruption armies. Its his personal mission to purge the world of the Eldritch Corruption and avenge his father, but alas he cannot do it alone. His style of combat should differ from normal battlers as he has a mount. DeWinter himself will mostly have stabs and jabs and will be able to cast spells using the spear, and possibly have an attack where he throws his spear like a javelin and it returns to his hand afterwards like Thor's Hammer; however the horse itself should not be completely defenseless. The horse could raise its front legs and stomp the target.

Lancelot of the lake by Sans69

Lancelot is one of the Knights of the Round Table and a hero extolled as the greatest knight. Despite serving King Arthur, he ended up breaking with the king upon falling into an immoral love with Guinevere. He is using a spear to fight and wear dark armor.

Genius Mechanic Samantha by SiGxGiS

Samantha was a war orphan until she was found and tutored by the mechanic of the Black Empire. There she learned to create and repair all sorts of mashines and even helped her master to create the Mecha Rattlesnake C.A.E.S.A.R and Mecha Scorpion C.A.E.L.E.S. . After the mashines failed and the factory was closed, her master died and she was left alone. She traveled around the world in the search for a new purpose until she was recruited by the rebellion where she could work on new self-made weapons, items and mashines. Appearance: Sam wears blue jeans with a pair of suspender and a yellow-white striped shirt. She has a dark grey bandana which cover her shoulder long brown hair and she wears her masters old goggles around the neck. As weapons she uses a giant screw-wrench like a hammer and small self-made hand-grenades and flash-bombs.

Gaius the well-behaved Ruthless One by SiGxGiS

Since his birth Gaius is a lone wolf. His parents abandoned him as a baby and he grew up as a street rat. He commited crimes like stealing, mugging and pickpocketing until he was sent into an orphanage for criminal minded. There he fell in love with his guardian Maria who were a nun. He promised to be a better person and to stay by her side forever. But one day she was murdered by a local gang and Gaius snapped for the first time and killed them in a rage. After that he swore to take care of the criminals who brutally attack people and help the lonely street kids.

Appearance: Gaius has a slim figure, with short slicked-back black hair. He wears a black hat, black jacket, a dark blue shirt, black trousers and black shiny boots. His appearance resembles that of a don. He has three silver earrings in his left ear, a big cross-shaped scar over his face, a pendat with a picture of Maria in it and he is a chronic smoker. As a weapon of choice he uses an Apache revolver, a combination of a brass knuckle, a knife and a pistol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_revolver

Legendary Knight Dante by Fyoha

Among the Legendary Knights, there are two siblings that were hand-picked by Pizarro to join them and help lead a campaign based on an assortment of studies on particular, magical arts and other fields of research and design. A foundation that is rumored to be responsible for the reason behind the dark, arcane powers that are harnessed by each member, disciple, and soldier alike. These two siblings are known as Dante and Jeanne. Dante, the older brother of Jeanne, is a wizard rumored to be gifted with using magic that enables extraplanar activity to cross dimensions with his own. He is well adept in a particular array of conjuration arts such as summonings, opening portals, creating seals and banishing foes. Although Dante may have the intellect to win a battle with magic alone, he still doesn't mind infusing his armor and weapons with magical enhancing properties to get the edge over his opponents in a melee encounter... or perhaps as an insurance policy in case one of his summons turns on him.

Denira, the Cithaerion Lioness

In the days before Regulus became a legendary knight, his adoptive parents were deemed to have committed a crime against the kingdom. In order to save his parents, Regulus came before the king and begged for their lives. The king wanting to get rid of the begging lad that had sought an audience with him, offered to spare his parents of their punishment if he completed a series of nearly impossible tasks that no man in the kingdom could do. To the king’s surprise, Regulus accepted. Hearing rumors of this man’s great strength, the king gave Regulus his first task: Defeat the Cithaerion Lion, a shapeshifting lion that terrorized the countryside and said to be the daughter of Hades. When he finally found the lion, she transformed into a muscular woman desiring to a challenge a fellow demigod in equal combat. After a day of combat the lioness finally surrendered willing to submit to any command that Regulus uttered. Regulus demanded that she assist him with completing his other labors.

Darkness Dragon Yrogerg by Gregaur-X

Yrogerg is the Dragon of darkness and shadow. He is the opposite of Luxio the dragon of Light. While Luxo use a white and elegant sword, Yrogerg has a huge broken one. While Luxo can stand on his 2 legs with a thin body, Yrogerg has to use his 3rd legs to support his fat body. While Luxo has two beautiful wings. Yrogerg has fleshless ones. And while Luxo is white cover by gold. Yrogerg is black with purple details.

Greater Mimik by SiGXGiS

A Greater Mimik is an evolved version of the normal Mimik. After seeing and eating a lot of humans it transformed his normally tentacle-like body into an more human shaped form. Now it can use high-class magic and can use weapons. In dark dungeons it lures enemies to it by imitating human voices and then ambushes them. Appearance: The overall appearance resembles still a treasure-chest but with an human-like body coming from the inside. The human body is violett-black, has a long red tongue, sharp teeth and hands with long tentacles as fingers.

Thunder Dragon Tcharg by Gregaur-X

Elemental Dragon V - Thunder 5th step into the element dragon universe: Tcharg is the Dragon of skies and thunder. He is yellow. He has 2 heads, postive and negative. His back is cover by lightning rod he can charge to create a devasting attack.

Sun Priestess by Harleshay

An animated expansion of your Sun Priestess figure (Librarium Bonus #906 posted May 9 2019), including animation of the staff and shield she bears. She is adept at light and barrier arts, and with one word can protect herself or others from harm. However her magic doesn't last forever. If a force is strong enough to break her barriers, then she is forced to use only her shield as protection. She is very strong-willed, and guards her post and what she treasures to the bitter end, even at the expense, or even destruction, of the world around her. Her word is her vow. Attacks: She can attack by using light magic through her staff. She can attack either one character or multiple characters at a time. Her attacks can consist of lowering attributes (like defense, attack, light resistance, etc), wiping away positive buffs from a character (or characters), or inflicting light-based damage. Defense: She can defend by either using her shield or conjuring a barrier around herself (or possibly others who may be fighting with her).

Berserker Slime by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Berserker use two Axes, of course. He may be Red (maybe dark Red). He can wear some barbaric stuff too.

Human Skeleton Hybrid - Named Mitchell by WoofMiss

He is a human that has become corrupted by a skeletons DNA. Half of his face is just bone with a missing eye, and the other half is normal human construction. His whole body has small sections of bones showing here and there. As for clothing, as long as he has a gold neckless and stud earrings you can have that artistic liberty of clothing design for him. He has either a Bone Sword, or a Rib-Bone Bow.

Agravain, Knight of the round table by Sans69

Agravain is a calm, calculated and cruel knight. His only purpose is to assist the king, Arthur, his true wish is to build with him a perfect kingdom and at any cost. Agravain rarely fought on frontline, due to his magical ability, he also have infamous capabilities in interrogation and torture. He wear a black armor and use black mace in addition of magic.

Crystal Golem Incusk by SiGxGiS

Incusk is an artificial golem created from crystals by the Earth God. Being a golem normally means he has to listen to the Gods and execute every command but not this one. Over the years he grew a kind of intelligence and create his own army of golems to conquer the mines to create even more golems. By observing and defeating adventurers he learned to wield a spear and a shield. His body can reflect light and he even learned to focus those lights and shoot them as an laser from his mouth. Appearance: Being a golem means he is huge in appearance. His body is made from light green crystals with a blue orb on his chest. In his right hand he holds an crystal spear and his right hand an buckler. Around his neck he wears a cape made out of capes from defeated adventures.

Train Mech Enjinn by Daryl Crawford

Looks like a cross between a train and mechanical automation. Bellowing steam and fire this railway nightmare is considered to be Dr. Mechanik's greatest and most twisted creation


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