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With 16 new designs and several 4-direction map sprites for previous Megapack releases October 2020 wraps up!

I had also intended to finally release the smaller scale new Librarium animated Megapack during October 2020, however I ran into some health and personal issues halfway through the grind period, so I have not had the time to finally finish the polish and packaging stage for them! This will be a priority during November 2020!

Once again as always, thanks for your patience and support during October 2020!

As time goes by I feel I am getting slightly slower, but that's because I'm also becoming more consistent at Librarium's visual style and its illustration refinement stage, an evolution which happens thanks to your support!

For that very reason and as always, you can expect of me to always do my best for each of our Librarium battlers! This month featured many new personal favorite designs, and I hope you found some you personally like as well!

November is here and I'll also do my best! For that end our polls will be going live tomorrow so stay tuned!

Once again thank you for your support during October 2020! Lets make November 2020 full of memorable designs as well!

Reward sets for the October 2020 update cycles will ship out on the 7th by night time as usual, stay tuned!



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