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I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

As previously announced, the past few days have seen some intense grind behind the scenes working on the upcoming megapack but also taking care of several tasks which were pending! I will list all the recent updates to make going through them easier!

  • Previous reward sets for April, May, June and July 2020 have been added to itch.io and gumroad! Please send me a private message if you supported specific reward sets within those periods and would like to claim an itch.io key for them!  



  • Yearly Compilation sets have been made available for ease of purchase! Many new members of our community have expressed interest in being able to shop more efficiently for previous reward sets, thus answering this need, I have made available yearly compilation sets! They bundle the same packs individually available, but make it faster if one plans to buy an entire year's catalog, rather than adding each of them individually to a cart! Yearly compilation sets are available for 2017, 2018 and 2019!
  • We have a new video format which can be considered companion material for Librarium Animated releases! Through these videos you will be able to visualize and get a good feel on the animations bundled with every release! The main idea here is for it to serve as a guide when implementing a monster, but not being fully certain what a listed motion sounds like! https://youtu.be/dvON43wqnJQ https://youtu.be/d15oBW_Uy1w 

  • The Librarium batch Libraries post has been updated to reflect including the April, May, June, July AND the current August 2020 releases! you can download this latest iteration today through the usual link!  https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-batch-32517612 
  •  More quality of life improvements will be introduced regarding  access to the Librarium tileset, stay tuned for more news oon that in the coming weeks!

 Phew, as you can see, quite the heavy work behind the scenes, but I hope all these updates will make your experience with Librarium more enjoyable as a whole! Now please continue to look forward to the 24th, the projected date to release our Librarium Animated Megapack !

I will now be using hte following hours to answer several private messages, thank you for your patience!




Thanks for the update and the continued improvements to the Librarium experience!