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Today we see the release for Corruption Originator Azathoth as suggested by Damian Castaway!

 Azathoth is a behemoth of an eldritch abomination; coming to us as a large kraken-esque monster sporting a massive gaping mouth with rows upon rows of sharp and jagged teeth. (Imagine the colour scheme of the inside of its mouth to be almost like an inferno). Along its head are red blotches which serves as eyes it uses to see whatever world it wishes to devour; which in this case is whatever fantasy world this thing happens to be coming towards. The creatures black body is covered in tentacles; each of which open to long red trenches covered in sharp, thorny spikes. Along these tentacles are also the same red spots that Azathoth uses to see. I imagine Azathoth having several physical attack animations using its tentacles; and also having a sort of "inhale" attack animation. For special attacks the res blotches on its head and tentacles could light up each time this behemoth casts a spell. I'd also imagine it would have an attack where it fires a giant eldritch beam from its mouth. Azathoth has been in another plane of existence, feeding off the world using the corruption it originated. With the help of it's faithful servant Nyarlahtotep to spread the corruption; the world as we know it will soon turn to dust unless it is defeated.  

This release was particularly complex given the nature of the creature, but I think the end result was worth all the effort! I am trying out a new release format so that it is easier to visualize everything each Librarium animated release has to offer so do check out the attached video for this creature's animation reel!

You can look forward to Azathoth's 4-dir map sprite and bust portrait as part of our August 2020 reward sets! Also just a few more days until the brand new animated mega-pack so please stay tuned for that one! Things have been massively busy because of that, but I will answer many private messages and tend to other Librium tasks shortly, apologies for the delay!

Did you like this release? Let me know!

 Download it today!

Dont forget to @me at twitter (@aekashics )  if you implement this creature into your project and wish to showcase it! I love RTing content generated by our community!


Librarium Animated - Corruption Originator Azathoth!

Today we see the release for Corruption Originator Azathtoth as suggested by Damian Castaway ! This is a Librarium Base release available to patrons pledged at $1 per update cycle and above! $1 pledge tier patrons get access to all previous and current animated & static base releases! Download it today! https://www.patreon.com/aekashics Get Librarium’s Free Ultrapack with 900+ free battler assets! https://aekashics.itch.io/aekashics-librarium-librarium-static-batch-megapack Get Librarium’s RPG Maker MV Dragonbones Integration Sample Project! https://aekashics.itch.io/librarium-dragonbones-demo-20 Ækashics on Twitter! https://twitter.com/aekashics Ækashics on Gumroad! https://gumroad.com/aekashics



I love seeing more eldritch creatures! This looks really cool and loved seeing its awesome looking mouth under the tentacles


Love it


I really didnt want to pass up on the opportunity to have that feature! :D


Thanks a bajillion for the video guide to animations. This is extremely helpful, and I hope it becomes the new standard.