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Good afternoon!

This month I really want to make it a point to return to our weekly release format, rather than releasing by streaks at the end of every month!

In previous months I have been trying different approaches but they have not really worked! This time around I would like to attempt something radically different in order to reach that goal!

Here is what we will do!

  • June 2020 base releases will not be based in our existing polls, instead they will feature creature ideas I have had in the back of my head for a while, 
  • Polls for July 2020 will occur during the last week of this month, wrapping up by July 1st and following that pattern from now on!

With this approach we will free up the first week of every month from polling and get the most out of that very valuable time period to be able to return to  weekly releases!

Hopefully you will also find it refreshing !

With that explained here is the release calendar for June 2020!

First Update Cycle

Librarium Statics - Skeleton Bandits  6/5/2020 Release date

Armored skeletons of different sizes, weapons and roles.

 Librarium Animated -  Wardlord Lich  6/7/2020 Release date 

An intimidating skeletal warrior, acting as the leader to the Skeleton Bandit gang.

 Librarium Statics -  Monstrous Insects  6/12/2020 Release date 

Monstrous hybrids of insects of different sizes and lethality!

 Librarium Animated - Skull Hunter  6/14/2020 Release date  

A massive and vicious Mantis who cuts down adventurers and heroes with no remorse.


  • Second Update Cycle

  Librarium Statics - Voidolls Revamp  6/19/2020 Release date  

Originally featured among the very earliest Librarium releases, 

this redesign will have them become humanoid space-ish creatures of ethereal powers.

Librarium Animated - Enua'en Voidoll Mistress  6/21/2020 Release date  

The boss of the voidoll archetype!

Librarium Statics - Desert Creatures  6/26/2020 Release date  

Assorted creatures fitting of a desertic setting!

Librarium Animated - Desertic Gigaworm  6/28/2020 Release date  

A massive worm with multiple layers of plated carapace and other intimidating features!

Are you looking forward to progress this month? I know I am! lets get to work!

And with that said I will get back to work as I am currently still preparing for the planned released of Animactors tonight! Rewards for May 2020 update cycles will be delivered on the 7th as usual! Stay tuned!



Oh, we could always use more standard mooks.


Nice !