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Greetings and good afternoon!

I would like to kick off June 2020 by saying thank you for your support during May 2020!

By now, the evolution in visual quality of Librarium assets is probably very evident (Or at least I hope so! haha), this couldn't have been possible without you, thank you!

It is my personal policy to always work to the best of my ability at that moment, and you can expect that policy to continue!

Now, we saw a bit of a delay towards the end of the month with these releases, this happened primarily because of two reasons!

The first one , a considerable amount of time invested towards drawing practice to tackle some issues I wanted to have a better understanding of, and which I feel did pay off for the overall quality of our releases this month!

The second one ,another good chunk of time invested in preparing the materials for the promised upcoming itch.io spin off packs (which will be available during their launch month for our Dragon tier supporters)! Now, I was was originally shooting for a release of these yesterday, instead, everything points towards a release tomorrow, so instead of having a late May release as originally projected, we will have a super duper early june release, in essence almost the same! for now here is a preview of whats coming our way!

Formally Introducing Animactors !

Animactors will be a monthly asset line focused around skeletal animation characters coupled with emotion portraits! Each pack will feature 3 different characters!


 Animactors will feature a very flexible amount of motions to allow for more freedom when it comes to implementing them as characters in your party! They are shipped out with a run and walk animation which can be combined with plugins such as  https://atelieririna.itch.io/dragonbones-map-sprites  to be able to create MISTOVER style map exploration and roaming!

Animactors will also ship out with bust portraits covering basic emotional range for each character(A total of 12 bust portraits per release), in order for these characters to provide even more convenient tools to be able to create a game experience with them!

Expandable and scalable, Animactors will receive monthly releases in a fixed schedule, eventually allowing for very varied choices to create your party compositions!

The Animactors asset line will fall under my itch.io spin-off asset packs, selling at $15 per pack! These packs however will be available during their launch month to Dragon Tier supporters as part of the benefits outlined to that tier as usual!

Please stay tuned for the first Animactor release coming our way tomorrow!

Once again thanks for your support during May 2020! I will continue bringing content imprinted with passion into Librarium, it will always be my most honest way to express my gratitude towards our community! Thanks for the ride as always! Stay tuned! 




:) amazing !


So Cool!