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Apologies for the radio silence, have been in total lock-down mode working in our base releases plus the new Animated Actor Side Battlers I hinted when the month started! (Another preview for that coming this week by the way)!

Today see the release for God Azrafel in his mortal form, as suggested by Damian Castaway!

 A average 5"9 Caucasian human with blue hair and a red scar down his right eye (Just one clean strike). Over his body is a black cloak thats torn down the middle revealing his scarred chest which holds his 6-pack abs and just under his neck is a glowing blue "infinity" tattoo which represents the cycle of life and death. His expression is somber, like hes been alive long enough to be affected by all the suffering he has seen.  

Azrafel saw many revisions upon the initial sketch and ended up receiving a total of six attack motions, all of them oriented towards the spell casting spectrum of animations, given his nature!

You can preview them by following the link below!


Did you like this release? Let me know!

Download it today!

Also stay tuned for a streak of updates this week, and also more previews and the eventual release of the new Actor Side Battlers towards the end of the month! please look forward to this!




Will this come with the 4-direction map sprite in Dragon Tier?


Likes exactly like Azrael from Blaz Blue lol.