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This is the poll for the Librarium Statics First May update cycle releases!

This pool will have 2 winners!

Let's get voting!


Extra Goblins by Ashlee Vella-croft

Goblin Riders - Rides a tamed wolf into battle, wields a spear or a bow.

Goblin Defender - Similar to the Goblin Elite but wields a giant shield and has scrap armor.

Beholderkin by Diego Mendes

A lot of eye creatures

Arcane Orbs II by Yorae Rasante

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Since we already had the Arcane Golem and the Arcane Orbs or Fire, Frost, Thunder and Wind, we are missing the Water, Earth, Light and Darkness...

Cutey Carbuncles by Nyght

Different cute critters based on elements/different stone types that provide protection. Maybe cat/rabbit based looking creatures. 

Maybe have gemstones in their head or around them?







Evil Hospital Personal by SiGxGiS

Every RPG has some sort of healing for the group of heroes, as the Inn or an hospital. But what would happen if the personal that’s supposed to help you, went evil and try to attack you? The head doctor tries to slice you up with his scalpel, the nurses tries to inject you some kind of viruses and the people who are based in the hospital try to bite and dismember you.

Mysterious Combatants by Ashley Leong

Fighter's who are hiding their identity in some way. Simple hoods, masks, veils or helmets to cover their face and plain bulky robes, cloaks and armour to cover their body.

Valentine’s day squad by Gregaur-X

Some cliché you can find in the collective imagination of St Valentine :  Baby angels with Heath bow, Heath spear, Heath staff.  Yeah, I know it’s not the season of love, but why wait for the next February ?   

Panther Squadron by IamPortugues

A werelion in paladin armor, a weretiger with light armor and a wereleopard soldier in armor with a cape.

Cyborg Assasins by Crazy Cactus

Scantily clad, sexy cyborg assassins possibly wearing ninja style clothing (how "revealing" or not up to you) and each with weapons unique to them. Perhaps one of them is the "queen" or leader of the group, wears similar outfit but with menacing bad-ass hoodie to hide more of her face, whilst wielding two katanas.   

Modern Fighters (SWAT-like team) by Sarah R. 

Creatures you would like to see within those packs: We've got post-modern fighters (who are v cool in their own right) but we skipped over more current enemies that people could be facing. I'm thinking a tank-type behind a riot shield, a sniper, an infiltrator (maybe with a drone?) who could do more support techniques, and a more generic guy with a pistol and/or rifle. Either androgynous or a 50/50 mix of male and female fighters is preferred :3 EDIT forgot to talk about coloration! Blacks and greys are probably more "standard" but it could be fun to have the team be in a less-seen color in the battlers, like with a bright blue or purple accent on mostly silver? I just really love huge pops of color in a palette!

Modern Psychics by Jeaceb

modern day students or suits with psychic auras. Some with different auras like fire water or just energy

Modern Gang Members by Somewhat Eclectic

A collection of thugs that visually fit into a modern setting. Ideally with a couple different weapon types (knife, chain, pistol, etc).

Zombies by L’Antre Du Geek

Creatures that were transformed into zombified creatures; could be inspired from already made humanoïds and animals.

Battle Squirrels by Yorae Rasante

Normal Squirrel, Warrior Squirrel, Archer Squirrel, Mage Squirrel, Healer Squirrel... basically those "basic slimes with classes" but using squirrels

Cute Bards by Joyshi

Little people playing little instruments in a cute way. 



Everyone we neeeeed battle squirrels, when can’t you use a battle squirrel? Go ahead, I will wait lol,


Dang it. Was hoping for some carbuncles! :0 Very excited by a lot of these suggestions, though.


Beholders guy, lets vote on beholders!