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This is the poll for the Librarium Statics First May update cycle releases!

This pool will have 2 winners!

Let's get voting!


Slime Variations I by Charles W.

Different variations on slimes. These aimed for forest types. Firefly slimes, Honey Slimes, algae slimes, and flower slimes

Firefly slimes have a light emitting from inside and tiny wings keeping them afloat. They generate their own light and electricity for defense against adventurers that would kidnap them. Honey Slimes live near bee colonies protecting it by leaving a extra sticky residue. They carry the same honeycomb pattern across their body while drooling and oozing honey. Once trapped by the honey residue the bees swoop in to attack. Algae slimes culminate near ponds in the forest or in damp sections. Looking similar to a rock with patches of green on them they wait for innocent prey to come close. With sunlight they grow stronger and faster than normal slimes. Flower slimes look like overfilled stems with a flower on top usually green in base color. These slimes can be dangerous as they control the vines of the plant on them to drag unknowing prey right to them.

Eldritch Abomination Soldiers by Gregaur-X

The Eldritch Abominations are great and scary. They are evry dangerous. Most of theim seems to be Tier 2 and 3 enemies 

But they need some humanoid soldier to die for them. So here we are ! 

The Abominations soldiers are not volunteers, half alive they suffer a lot of mutation. Even if they seem to be human you can recognize the Eldritch Abomination distinction (Pink and black, with tentacles). It may be difficult for your heroes to fight them as the can be the ancient inhabitant from the realms they lose at the begining or your game. 

They use some weapon, but not normally. Maybe the weapons could fusion with parto of the body. 

1) The Eldritch minion. He doesn't use weapons. He was a simple villager that the dark lord transform to kill his weak enemies. There are many of them ! 

2) The Eldritch Soldier. He use to be a soldier form the royal army, but now he is the slave of a dark god. He use a classic sword and maybe a corrupt shield (made with eldritch organic material ?)7 

3) The Eldritch Handgunner. He use a canon that is part of his arms.

FF inspired mobs by epson777341

Chocobos: Large flightless birds with fluffy yellow (or red, green blue, black, or silver) feathers, always looking like they're about to flee on a moment's notice. Maybe some younglings as well? Tonberries: Small hooded reptiles that wander around holding a lantern and a knife, the look in their eyes show you all they want to do find something to stab. Marlboros: Large, plant-like monstrosities with large, toothed, gaping mouths and endless amounts of vine-like tentacles. Coeurls: Large felines, with very long whiskers and panther like qualities. Often seen in a relaxed pose, as if they don't see you as a threat.

Aekashics's Note: I will not be taking design and visual elements from the actual FF creatures, but instead get inspiration from their written descriptions and create Librarium originals, just like how the recent Phoenix winner was handled!

Secondary Elementals II by Evan T. Smith

A few more secondary/weird elemental ideas: 1) Iron elemental - equal parts raw ore and crude blades. 2) Brimstone elemental - Volcanic rock and red+blue fire, with horns suggesting the demonic nature of "brimstone". 3) Magnetism elemental - Floating magnetic stones with a colorful aurora.

Cute Demon Critters by Mitch Bowser

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Cute, Demonic, and Furry... The 3 best adjectives I could think of... Basic basic forest critters, rabbits, foxes, deer, with a demonic twinge while keeping their basic cuteness that we all know and love

Wild West Pack I by Jeff Mcintyre

The basics enemies for your Wild West or Steampunk game! Includes 3 battlers. The Wrangler: a cowboy turned criminal, where he once used that rifle for scaring off wolves and that lasso for bringing down angry steers, he now uses them as tools for robbing banks, stagecoaches, and trains. The Bounty Hunter: Born an Apache Warrior, he left his tribe and now uses his his tomahawk, bow, and tracking skills to bring in the West's Most Wanted, including our heroes! El Bandito: An agave farmer who decided that he was done letting bandits raid his farm and joined them along ago. His poncho and sombrero make him look much larger than he actually is, making it tougher to land a critical blow, while his shotgun allows him to pepper the field with dangerous shrapnel.

Legendary Knights Disciples III by Gregaur-X

Legendary Knight Disciples III The third package ! Legendary knights have now a great army of soldiers who would fight for them. They’re taken from their empire and trained not to question any orders and to kill every Legendary knights' enemies (or maybe they are trained to kill the traitors you decide to play in your game). But among this army, some soldiers are really skilled or faithful. Those soldiers were personally trained by the legendary knights and use the same art of war as their masters. The disciples have a style that is halfway from the LK soldiers and the LK who trained them. They are men and women, but still use a helmet. I leave the rest in the hand of our artist! Let’s continue with 3 new LK from the librarium: -Sen: An assassin, with a Gun (a small one), that seems very agile -Ansellus: A arachnoid warrior with only 4 extra arms. Only Ansellus has the mind strong enough to control 6 arms -Pizzaro: A very strong mage who can only control one element (not like Pizzaro who control light and darkness) (Already done : Zidh, Regulus, Arriette, Jeanne, Croix, Ansellus)

Chainblade Warriors by Mr. Ryan Clapham

These warriors are known for their ability to swing around their chains and grab ahold of their opponents. Whipping the weapon back would create deep cuts in the victim's hide and tear them open.  Appearance isn't so hulking-brutish but more of a muscly, skilled fighter. For reference, I would like to say that my enemy inspiration for this all comes from the antagonist, Kai, from 'Kung Fu Panda 3'. He was an awesome villain and I wanted to have something like those in my RPG Maker game. I would also love to see a boss version. Thanks! 

Gangsta-Shrooms by Gregaur-X

Some extra Shrooms to complete this archetype. There are many different kind of shroom, maybe we can imagine to diversify their bodies. - The Shroomstard : A tall shroom with a small knife to attack some innocent civilians. https://www.duden.de/_media_/full/C/Champignon-201100284168.jpg -The Shroomist: A chemist who creates the product a Gang of shroom can sell in the street. Not legals one of course. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/10-best-places-find-morel-mushrooms/ -The Boss Shroomfriend: A female shroom very crude. She can smoke a long cigarette and have too much make-up. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/sep/04/new-forest-bans-fungi-pickers

Robin Hood’s Merry Men by Darkstarmatryx

Like Robin Hood, they wear robes or leather armor of greens and browns. Easier to blend into the woods that they use to sack the passing carriages. Wielding Bows, Staffs, Slings, Swords of various types as well as maybe a hand ax or throwing ax. The group is a bit varied with a both men and woman taking up their cause. Let's not forget their friar tuck back them up with a little healing and protection magic and hit you with that staff.

Exiled Knights by Anonfox93

Exiled Knights, three knights who were formerly sworn to their country and ruler, however through a fatal error or mistake lost their status, were later exiled. Creature: Exiled Knights Tantalus: A trusted knight and favorite subject of the king who carried his majesty’s order’s without fail. He would later this lose this status and be exiled when he abandoned personal mission from his king in order to save a traveling dancer’s troupe and village from slaughter. Barbarossa: A middle aged man with long hair and beard sporting a black and gold armor, he lost favor with the kingdom he served when he personally stopped the deaths of innocent villagers from a greedy baron who sought to take their lands for himself. Isabella: A woman with a slender build long black hair covered in scars and with a burn mark over her left eye, wielding an estoc. A fabled warrior held in high esteem for her beauty and prowess in battle, when she turned down a noble’s offer for marriage she was soon captured, tortured and disfigured for her slight so no one else would ever be able to have her.

Gryphonine Creature by Jeff Mcintyre

A set of hybrid beasts like the majestic gryphon, the noble hippogryph, and the viscous manitcore. But also includes other hybrid beasts such as the mole-bat which lurks in dark caves, or the raccoon-crow that you have to chase away from your garbage cans every morning.

Aztec Battlers by Madeleine Hillen-Keene

Aztec high priests, lower level preists, Aztec warriors (eagle, jaguar, panther, etc), Aztec mages (sort of like the priests I guess), Aztec style animals like panthers, feathered snakes, etc. Really hope this is the right place to put this! I would love some cool Aztec type battlers (totally not for a game... honestly, but totally for a game!)

Legendary Knight soldiers II by Gregaur-X

The legendary knights could be great heroes or dangerous bosses for your game. 

But before confronting a legendary knight, you need to pass through a bunch of enemies! I think the Librarium needs some soldiers with the legendary knight design. They are human (with human proportions). In this pack of monsters you can find 3 new classic soldiers. This time we are on the second row of the enemy line! 

- The Handgunner: a distant soldier with a handgun. The same color as the legendary knight. 

- The Mini Mortar or the Mini cannon holder: a more graded soldier, he holds a really heavy weapon (here is an exemple but with a dwarf : https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/File:Wh_main_dwf_irondrakes.png) 

- The Winged scoot: Also a more graded soldier, with steam equipement that allows hiim to jump from the back line to the enemy line. He can use claws or a really quick weapon. 

Brazilian Folklore Creatures by Yorae Rasante

I tried searching for some either evil or at least mischievous, something most people would fight when meeting. Many well-known Brazilian Folklores are actually very nice or neutral for the good people. I also did not add Iara, since she is just basically a river mermaid/naiad hybrid, and Bradador, since it is basically a banshee.

Saci - An one-legged black kid, wearing a red cap and smoking a pipe, running around inside whirlwinds. It is like a mischievous pixie in other folklores, nice to some and evil to others. It comes from Portugal, but was made part of brazilian folklore by a book author that made one a recurring character in his series.

Headless Mule - A mule without head, but that has an iron harness and breathes fire through where it should be. Wearing silver horseshoes, makes lots of noise around churches. It is actually a cursed woman, and it can be restored removing the harness or stabbing it with a needle, but only while the person that did so is nearby. It is very angry, though, destroying and killing what is nearby, so it is very hard to do. 

Mapinguari - a furry giant with feet backwards, sharp claws and a vertical mouth from the nose to the stomach. In some regions it has only one big eye in the forehead. Its reddish fur is so thick it is bulletproof, save for around the bellybutton, its only weak spot. It eats people, or, well, the head, usually in one bite.

Boitata - a giant snake with fire eyes and body covered in blue fire. In some places it is said to eat forest fires, in others is said to cause them. It also can live underwater. The best way to not be devoured is to make no sound and close your eyes.

Capelobo - Shaped like a human with an anteater head, body covered in black fur and round hands and feet, it attacks through a deadly hug and eating the brain matter. As the Mapinguari, its weakness is the bellybutton. 

Curacanga - A woman's head covered in a ball of fire that detached from the body and flies through the fields. Labatut - an enourmous being, with round feet, body covered in black and rough fur, teeth coming out of the mouth that resemble elephant tusks and only on eye in the middle of the forehead. Eats people, giving preference to children for being easier to eat. Likes to eat those it can hear speaking loudly or singing. 

Quibungo - A half-man half-animal beast with a big head and a giant mouth on its back, that devours children through it.

bands are lead by Kodra, which feature the wings and fiery breath of their progenitors (though are still tiny compared to true dragons)

Stationary Creatures by Clint Russell

Battlers that are stationary in some way. 

Caged animals and demons. 

Caged spirits or tentacled demons that though contained, can still reach out to attack those who get to too close. 

Obelisks. Tall stones made of onyx carved into specific geometric patterns with a single or few carved symbols from which liquified arcane force runs out like blood from an open wound. 

Blessed Standing Stones. Shorter, but stout rocks of alabaster haphazardly covered entirely in runes by a desperate madman. Or plain pillar of marble whose magic nature is denoted by the glowing runes encircling it on the ground or in mid air. 

Witches hanging in a gibbet, trapped in skin-tight iron clasps, hanging from a hastily constructed wooden hang-man's arm, spouting magic spells or summoning small demons to attack passersby. 

Undead Impaled soldiers who have failed in their holy crusade, they were impaled as a warning to any foes who might attack and though they cannot wander away, they are brought back to unlife again to wield spears or swords at any who get too close.

Shadows Of The Nights I by D.R.G

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Shadow people, top hatted demon ( https://demonicpedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/5448206_orig.jpg ).

Young Monsters by Kazo

This pack would contain baby versions of some of the creatures found in the Librarium. Some of our favorite monsters reimagined to an earlier time in their life, perfect for overprotective parents or for pets.

Dwarves by Tetsujin

Berserker: Muscular dwarf with tattoos dualwielding two axes. Blacksmith: Fat dwarf wielding a twohanded hammer. 

Axe thrower: Dwarf with leather harness wielding small axes. 

Tank: Big dwarf with sword and big shield, big bushy eyebrows.

Bard: dwarf playing flute, string instrument or drums?  

Legendary Knights Second Forms by Anonfox93

Pizzaro: Same armor as before but without a helmet on, displaying the face of a middle-aged man with white hair, the light glow on his hands are now raging flames, the balls at his side have now been unfurled an attached to his back looking like what appears to be wings but are actually stabilizers for his immense power.

Serat: A Hindu inspired warrior goddess with 4-6 arms carrying various items in each hand(sword, scales of justice, vajra,etc.). 

Regulus: Let the artist decide. 

Serat Second Form, The Forgotten Goddess: An ancient goddess of justice, her fellow deities feared her power and her calls for justice, equality and liberty amongst all life forms. Sick of her intervening in their plans but fearful of her power, the other gods schemed together a plan to get rid of her. A spell that would transform her into a mortal, wipe out all her memories and leave only a fragment of her power within her. 

Pizzaro Second Form, The Gatekeeper: Pizzaro’s form when he is using all of his magic power at once. In this form even the most impossible spells are performed with but a thought and a flick of the wrist. One of the primary reasons the legendary knights displayed no fear on the battlefield.

Regulus Second Form, Kyrios Regulus: Regulus’s form when he is using all of his power. It is through this form that he was able to perform inhuman feats and accomplish tasks that would normally be impossible to the average person.



Anything final fantasy always excites me, Especially if it is self made inspired. Looking forward to the potential winners :)

Nyght (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 21:22:59 SLIMES! <3
2019-05-08 17:23:40 SLIMES! <3



Glad to hear you like the idea of more slimes! If this variation gets picked I will try to suggest more for different locales.