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Howdy everyone!

Aplogies for the slight delay, meant to post these last night, but these designs were incredibly complex and ellaborate so I had to work on them until they were right!

But here we are! Today we see the releases which wrap up the Second April Update Cycle!

Thieves and Bandits and Steampunk Dwarves!

 Thieves and Bandits by Anger & Rage Interacive
Battler Archetype Name: Thieves and Bandits  Creatures you would like to see within the pack: A rough and tough band of bandits. Bandits could vary in as a rough swordsman, a shady archer, a raging berserker, and a filthy rogue. This Archetype could be expanded in other related bandits such as: Low class kingdom goons, forest bandits, mountain bandits, or even sea bandits (AKA Pirates). 


Steampunk Dwarves by Val Agiel
Steamknight Steamdwarf in steam protective armor. Looks more like a golem without a head. The sight hole is located almost in the middle of the body. All that above - the steam devices that allow the armor to move. Behind the armor there are two steam pipes, from which smoke comes. Constantly. Armed with a giant steam ax. Steamgineer Steamdwarf-engineer. His eyes had not seen the sun for a long time. They are always covered with protective goggles. It is not known why his beard is black. Either by nature, or because of the ashes. He can rarely be seen without a tobacco pipe. With one hand, he holds the pipe, and in the other hand he holds a steam wrench. Instead of armor, he uses a kind of steam exoskeleton. One mechanical arm of the exoskeleton is equipped with a drill. The other is designed to carry heavy objects (by the standards of people - very-very heavy) ... or grasping and crushing enemies. The exoskeleton is also equipped with steam pipes. Steamborg Steamdwarf-cyborg. Partially. His eye prosthesis glows red. The left arm is replaced by a steam gun. The right leg is also replaced with a steam prosthesis. He does not have a beard, but he has a curly mustache. He is proud of them. 

Also included are the frontview map sprites for these, as per the new standard with Librarium Statics releases! In the case of the dagger rogue, I also included a version of him without the hood, this means this month we will get a total of 17 map sprites with this bonus for the April Reward sets!

Thanks for supporting the April update cycles!

Stay tuned for progress, news and surprises with the reward sets for the April update cycles, and also get ready for their delivery on the 5th of this month!

Did you like this double release? Let me know!

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