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Hello everyone!

With the previous announcement out of the way, lets continue with a post promised today!

The release of Weapon Spirits and Seven Virtues I, as suggested by AlejandroSQ and SiGXGiS!

For the Seven Virtues,I was given a lot of free reign, so I thought up of this prompt for them;

 A group of maidens who wield holy power to exort the will of their goddess.Although violence is the last thing they will resort to, if need be,They will reveal the true form and power of the sacred books they possess. 

I decided to start the archetype with Chastity, Charity and Diligence. At first I was going to give them disticntive weapons, but then I realized it felt more fitting for them to wield no weapons at all, thus I decided for them to channel their power through books holy in nature. However those books will unleash their true awakened form if need be, donning the maidens with armor for battle. (A future expansion to this group!)

Now weapon spritis, was really tricky, ultimately I settled on this design, which has a ghostly semi-transparent knight holding the blade! And for that reason I figured having tiered blades, was gonna be super useful for wehn you guys are crafting your combats with these!

Download these today, and now stay tuned for rewards to these coming on the 5th, including of course, 4-direction map sprites to these releases.

Stay tuned! 


Seven Virtues I - Bind this release to your itch.io account! 




Nice. Do they have on map movement sprites?