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Hello everyone!

The release posts for Seven Virtues and Weapon spirits will be coming shortly after this, but with the start of the month and all, I wanted to take the opportunity to make a bit of an announcement!

To this day I have released around 900 free battlers through Librarium. 

900 is a huge number haha, but no matter how I look at it, it just could not have been possible without you guys, the community we have created and continue to nurture here. your comments, your ideas, your suggestions, your pledges, your kind words, your patience.

It all rests right here in this hub of ours.

Thus, thinking carefully about the next step for Librarium, what feels most important to me, is to continue to further reward those who believe in the Librarium project as a whole, thus I have arrived to the following decision:

From now on, all Librarium releases (Extra and Animated) will now only be available exclusively through patreon for patrons.

This brings two upgrades to the pledge rewards!

$1 Slime Tier and above - Access to all the latest Librarium release posts (Librarium Extra & Librarium Animated) through the running update cycles.

$5 Dragon Tier - Bonus access to future paid asset packs outside of Librarium's usual line of releases, such as the KemonoSD Line, as they are released.

All Librarium releases prior to this announcement, that is, the massive near 900+ battler Library, will remain available and public as they have of course, but as you can see, this decision changes nothing for everyone already here, and in fact, gives more value to your pledge!

Once again, thanks for continuing to believe in the Librarium Project! Get ready for the releases I got coming for you all!




That seems more than warranted and reasonable. You've done incredible work making this awesome library of monsters and creatures of various designs available for free, the amount now is staggering already. So I look forward to being able to continue to support you here, and though not as important as that support, I look forward to the idea of having more exclusive options for future projects too. Thanks :) !


Wow this is a really big change.


I'm glad I started pledging when I did!