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Good morning everyone!

Wrapping up the Librarium Extra releases for the second November 2018 update cycle releases, we have Tribal Elves, as suggested by darkstarmatryx!

 Tribal Elves look much like normal elves except that they don't wear fancy clothes and steal armor.  They can be built in muscles that can make them be mistaken as human if it weren't for their pointed ears.  They also adorn their bodies in tattoos from the face chest and arms in some sacred meanings.  I'd like to see A Male Elf with just leather pants and no shirt tattooed beefer than any beefcake has a right to be wielding an axe or bastard sword.  A thin tattooed female elf with a rapier like sword that is entwined by a barbed vine. Her outfit is that of small leather breast cover and waist cover.  That offers little protection but encumbers her none.  A third member would be another female Tribal elf fairly young wielding a short sword and a wearing just a little in the garment area except with an added green cloak with a tattoo that comes over her eye.  -darkstarmatryx

These elves were surely a different take to what I was used to seeing, drawing and using! that being the typical elegant armored elves! 

Here's to hoping for more tribal elves suggestions in the very near future!

Look forward to the 4-direction map sprite for these ones!

Download it today!




Awesome! Been looking forward to more elves for a while :D Excellent job, especially capturing those little details