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Hey everyone!

Today, as a preview tool, I am not bringing you a .gif, a still nor a video. I want you guys to experience what the full power of Librarium skeletal animations *feel* like! Thus I am attaching a tech beta demo featuring Zalaras and The Succubus. A Boss tier monster, and your general encounter monster  material! What you'll see is how I always wanted animated Librarium monster to look like!

General question time! if you want to skip all these, download link is at the bottom!

What is all this about?

To understand my excitement about this milestone, we have to turn back the clock a bit. It is January 2016 and I am getting familiar with the potential of Spine and skeletal animation for animating 2D monsters, and realize how much it could lift the feel of battles in RPG Maker. I quickly learn that there is no support whatsoever for any skeletal animation tool in MV, limiting me to use Spine only for setting up 3 keyframes which become the basis for the Librarium MV sheet format. I then attempt for a while to comission scripters to undertake this task, but no luck. Then lets skip a bit to the middle of this month (July 2017) around the Khronos release date. Yanfly brings a certain script to my attention. Both Yanfly and I realize its potential and establish contact with the coder, TheGreenKel. And well that is basically where we are right now! I initially asked Kel for a quick implementation of compatibility with YEP library plugins, which he did, and then Yanfly backed that up by further developing compatibility between both, and we have a planned release of the full tech demo along a featured Librarium battlers megapack on August 4th.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of using battlers in this new format?

Well let's talk about the benefits first!

  • Rich, smooth animations unrestricted by the 3-frame format in MV sheets.
  • Super lightweight, making it more feasible to bring your games to mobile and browser, at least when it comes to the combat scene! 
  • Data fully compatible with any other game engine, should you ever migrate out of RPG Maker, so long as there is a runtime available for that engine. As of this writing both Spine and Dragonbones have runtimes for all the major engines. The Dragonbones runtime has a license which allows for unrestricted use for both commercial and non-commercial. The Spine runtime however, requires you to own Spine in order to release a game if you use their runtime. As of this writing, the only skeletal animation script is fueled by Dragonbones.
  • Source data fully usable in both Spine and Dragonbones, the leading skeletal animation software for game development! You can freely swap and export around both programs with the Dragon Tier Rewards, adding even more value to your pledge!

Now let's talk about the drawbacks!

  • None!

At least speaking in terms of RPG Maker, you can still freely use the MV format sheets for actors or anything, while keep the dragonbones script running. To quote Yanfly, so long as you have the graphic assets for dragonbones skeletal animation, there really are no drawbacks to using the KELYEP dragonbones script. And Librarium will certainly have you covered on the graphic assets part!

In this tech demo you can also see how the script is setup and everything!

Which monsters are you including in the upcoming Megpack?

Right now I have:

  • Zalaras
  • Succubus
  • Ice Yeti
  • Slime
  • 3-head carnivorous plant

I am aiming to 10-15ish for this pack, with a focus on covering general use monsters, users such as SenG,GoldSchuss and SwiftIllusion have already made some suggestions, I'm willing to listen to more as well!

Let's end this little "F.A.Q" of sorts for now, as I really want you guys to get a feel of this and get your impressions!

Please let me know what you think and how you feel about all this, and also any question you may have!

Download the Tech demo today!





query can I use the Tileset in my project? or you have them to part, since the games with those Tileset I like very much: 3, although the only thing that jumps me to change the characters to animated.


Librarium Tileset is available for you to use in both commercial and non-commercial projects! It gets updated periodically every three months or so. Right now it has the Evil castle base, Propeller Airship, military base and forest temple!


And where can you download the tileset? Since you can not find them, check all your Patreon publications. XD


Oh, my, goodness for real this is insane! I'd already enjoyed seeing your videos about it with the whale/sucubus, but seeing just the idle of Zalaras sent my hype over 9000 and that was before some of the properly awesome attack animations! It's so darn cool! (On that note you've done amazing work on its animations :D) I'm just too excited for this haha, as you mention there's just so many good things about this so I can't wait to get into using it too, keep up the great work!


Simply Amazing. I've always enjoyed working in MV and now with the inclusion of skeletal animation (via plugin), MV is a much more robust package!