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Hey everyone!

Been a super busy month ever since the release of the Dragonbones Integration script!

I recently partnered with both TheGreenKel and Yanfly to bring together an illustrative demo of the script and Librarium battlers in action :D

This succubus is an example of what can be achieved with old librarium battlers and the script. 

I actually want to hear, what old Librarium monsters would you like to see as part of an upcoming pack?

These monsters will be featured in said demo!


We will still see the release of the brandnew spellcaster witch, and I have a little Librarium Extra lined up! 


Succubus Preview



That news is seriously so awesome, I can't wait to see the final demo to demonstrate it all :D. I'd love every monster to be animated xD; but if I had to be arbitrarily picky/thinking of what might most immediately translate well, here's 5 I'd really love to see- Clockwork Dragon, Ice Yeti, Darkness Angel Reaper, Mimic Sword, Slime RPG King. I also think those could show well how different interpretations/bases could look in animated form, which would help for a demo kind of creation. Goodluck working with whatever you choose, I'm seriously so hyped for all of this and looking forward to taking a shot at it later too :)!


This news is amazing! If I had to pick I would say literally any of the titans, especially Dynamo or Ilnoct!


The epic knights section


Okay! I have been catching up on my RPG Maker news and assets. I know the megapack just came out (everything looks AMAZING btw). I liked the variety of monsters from simple slimes to bigger boss-types. My personal faves for getting the new animated treatment would be Ventos, Alstreim (bc who doesn't need a skeleton knight?), the bat, Demios (though you do have the big white dragon so maybe low priority on another dragon beastie), the doppleslime, and some more of the more "basic" enemies like the purple two-headed plant. Basically, anything and everything! I love all your assets T_T I hope the new system works well and you get some more awesome supporters~