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Hello everyone!

This month we will go with 4 animated monsters! Dragon Tier supporters can look forward to a 4-direction $Big_Monster (Or regular sized if the design calls for it) map sprite, and also the completely redrawn face portrait for the top 4 picks in this poll!

As you can see, I picked specific creatures within these archetypes to help with the decision making when it comes to voting!



Interesting choices. I look forward to seeing the results of the poll. :)


Star whale? Oh my gosh that's so cool, I've got my fingers crossed


Ahh! I wanted everything elemental. I voted for all of them. :(


A meatball golem :O How could I not vote for that xD


I love the titans!!! They're your best creations in my opinion. I have to ask though, why Dynamo? He is in a three way tie for my favorite titan, with Ilnoct and Terran, but I'm curious what process led you to pick a singular titan.


its shaping up in a really interesting way isnt it? I figured mentioned specific creatures was more helpful!


Haha, thanks SenG! Theres actually nothing too deep behind it, except I guess something I never mentioned before, Dynamo is actually my personal favorite out of the titans! I just loved how he turned out from the moment I first sketched him, not to mention I love his element, and his gauntlet based design!