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Hi guys!

Long time supporters will prob remember those lenghty posts regarding the evolution of Librarium I had during the start of the project. Been a while huh? Well let's keep it brief this time!

Optional BGM for the post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMNUM4naMEI (Just -'cause im listening to that as I type this)

The Problem

Librarium started out with the objective of creating an ever growing library of static battlers. I quickly found out everyone also had a massive interest in animated battlers so they were also incorporated. Lets fast forward to little over a year since the project's inception. 

571 monsters later (That is a pretty crazy number when I think about it!) I figured it was time to further evolve the concept! mainly to reflect real needs you guys have when it comes to graphics (And which are within my ability to produce within a reasonable amount of time), rather than what I assume your needs might be these days.

This is the reason why I tested out the Librarium Characters format last month, which did seem to be a step in an interestign direction, both for rewards and the content we generated (An also an interest way  to group humanoid and non humanoid monsters), but ultimately I feel Librarium characters was also born of a personal assumption rather than a need expressed by the majority!

And now that we mention rewards that is also another point of conflict for me! Librarium will always have non-backer exclusive battlers available for free, but as a sign of respect to you who support me on Patreon, I've been tinkering ways to go the extra mile, and that is through exclusive content revolving around those public battlers of course. This last month I tested waters by Introducing the character sprites and face portraits, but that was yet another assumption, I thought, if people were to get sprites and face portraits as extras, they probably would like them to be for humanoid characters right? Well I actually dont know for sure! Also I noticed some interest in brigning back stuff like Icons, which I can certainly do for Dragon tier rewards as well.

I know for sure there are going to be 2 major changes to the reward schemes. Firstly the Minotaur tier will now encompass the sample project (With a new version coming out this month), with finely tuned settings for select Librarium monsters and also the most up to date batch folders for Librarium static and non-static battlers. Dragon tier will be upgraded to have the "Librarium Sprites" Folder, which will essentially be the map sprites (Both $Big_Monster and regular size) and the Face portraits.

Now the one question I have remainign is wether people would like to orient these resources to monsters or keep the humanoid focus (Such as the legendary knights)  

The TL;DR 

Simply put, at the end of the day I just want to put out both battlers and rewards which are useful to you guys, since I think it is safe to assume your needs have probably changed from a year ago when you all started supporting!

For July I would like to try yet another scheme both for rewards and battlers, but this time lets try going with something the majority wants! These are my proposed schemes:

  • 4 animated monsters of superb quality.  One release per week. Patreon rewards would change this month in the dragon tier to exclusively reward the 4-direction $Big_Monster map sprite, and the separately drawn face portrait. Monster Designs picked from Librarium suggestions thread!
  • 8 animated simpler monsters. Two releases per week. Not as detailed or specific. Face portrait and 4-direction map sprites as rewards for two featured designs per udpate cycle!
  • Same Scheme as June, but for sprites and portraits folders, focus on Monsters, rather than humanoids!
  • Same Scheme as June!
  • Something else! Lets hear it and discuss it!



I would like some animated humanoids. It would allow for an endgame boss or an NPC that turns out to be a secret, much harder boss.


Looks like I’m upgrading to dragon tier


I'm open to ideas I like the statics as much as I do the animated and love the bonuses of the sprites and face portraits. As far as Humanoids vs Monsters I think as far as enemy battlers go there is room for a lot of both in the expansion department. Multiple humanoid races both fantasy, sci-fi and horror based to explore and as far as monsters go between natural animals and unnatural monsters, demons, dragons, and robotic or steam based atrocities. I would say it would be hard to limit the scheme to one side or the other on that end. I love the variety that comes to the table from the suggestions and your artistic choices from those suggestions.


Personally I would like to see the 4 weekly animated monsters over anything else. The thing is Librarium already has a plethora of static monsters to use, so focusing on producing more of them even if they are higher quality is not adding much. While I like the idea of receiving 8 animated battlers in a month, we just got out of the phase of producing simpler battlers so we have more content quicker, I do not think it adds much to go back into it. I too would also like to see more animated humanoid battlers similar to Nucklevee or the legendary knights, although we have some animated humanoid battlers they are either deities or humanoid monsters so it does not give you the sense the player is fighting another person like him.


I suggest you do not do this. The amount of work will burden you later in the long term. The amount appropriate is about half or less than you planned. Quality over quantity.


I think the legendary knights was a great addition to the librarium as a possible consistent antagonistic force like the team rockets throughout pokemon. I think if anything it could be nice to round them out this month with a set of animations based on polls of what legendary knights people wanted animated and have just 1 animated each month while completing missing legendary knight sprites/face portraits. So that would be something inbetween the first 2 options, with 1 legendary knight being animated each week while completing across the month the missing parts to complete the full set of antagonistic characters that all include a base amount of assets with 4-direction sprites/face sets for everyone. Then as a suggestions for future months I think it could be good to have 3 weeks of themed releases-with poll voting as has been done in the past, where you create the resources in descending order of themes voted for. Then after releasing the first weeks set create a poll for each creature in there for voters to choose what should be animated in the 4th week of the month alongside a 4-direction map sprite. Though I like and always appreciate the idea of 'quality over quantity', I think the idea that you require more quality in each new added asset is a deservice to your efforts throughout, as nothing you've made has been low quality. Rather anything that you create with higher detail would need to be used for special occasions otherwise they would conflict with other monsters you've created already and wouldn't allow as seamless an addition, limiting them to mini-bosses etc to give reason to the difference in detail. I do really like your suggested adjustments to the reward tiers though as that seems considerate in both directions :).


Personally, I would really appreciate a nice set of icons for states.


Well I am sure if we go the 4 animated monsters of superb quality route, some humanoids will be a top pick haha.


You always present interesting ideas Darkstar! Particularly useful during the animated deities


Great to hear! This is actually my current reasonign as well, except I wanted to hear it from others, rather than something I assumed haha.


Thanks for the concern! I actually did take that into consideration, hence why I for example listed only 4 animated monsters per month if that scheme is picked, but yeah, Quality over quantity is indeed Librarium's mantra!


Glad to hear they acquired that identity for you! A cosistent antagonistic force. I actually think those are excellent ideas swift! And also great to hear how the adjustments are perceived overall


I also agree with a lot being said by swift here on too much change in the artwork. I like the use of the animated for mini-bosses and and major bosses as well, but I myself am still missing three key races from the fantasy ensemble; Dwarfs, Elves, and the not so common Anthropomorphic which would probably look odd against static Orcs and Human warrior battlers. So if those got made in animated while their predecessors didn't it would seem odd. Also it could lead the librarium to just the creation of boss monsters with neglect to the multitude of creations that spurred the legendary knights in the first place. Without the multiple Knight sets that were previously voted for they probably wouldn't have came into being. Which would have been sad since they are such a great creation. The same thing could be missed out from if the option expanding gunblins or Mages or Skeletons warrior to create like Orc Skeletons or some other combination that can be used to create a diversity that we will never find in the RTP or any of the purchasable RM asset makers. It is one thing that makes your Librarium both amazing in its large scale and above and beyond that amazing in it's artistic beauty. Both of which are what got me to jump on board to the dragon teir over a year ago and stay here. I have yet to make my game even though I have my story and know what I need. But I will keep supporting the artist I that I want to use and love the work of. Now that will stay even if you change the dynamic and go with the animated only and drop creating statics for a while. But I felt I just add to what swift said with my opinion. I am also glad to hear that in the past I have come up with some useful ideas and am always up to throw out new ones for statics if you need any. :)


I see! its an interesting point, and what I think I can potentially do is bring those races through Librarium extras with the previous style so that they fit in with the, "Non miniboss/boss" releases! thanks for the kind words, suggestions and constant support Darkstar, I really appreciate it, and also taking some of your time to write this here. Thanks!


I've been thinking on this for a little while which is why I haven't weighed in yet. Any of the schemes suggested have benefits, but I think that I echo some of the other thoughts listed in not wanting to see the statics go entirely away. There are still some great monster or "henchmen" type humanoids that haven't gotten created in the Librarium style. The orcs are decently covered, but dwarfs and elves as someone else mentioned haven't gotten the same type of treatment. Maybe the massive "packs" wouldn't be the way to go as they take probably a lot of time, but perhaps 2-3 static "extras" a month could help to continue to work on the normal enemies. I'm mostly just worried that the focus on animated would lead to the Librarium being very boss/mini-boss centric in these new updates rather than the whole spectrum of enemies encountered in the world. TL;DR I'll be happy to get more animated characters, I just don't want to lose out on more basic enemies entirely PS - Icons! Yay! Full support for those :D


I actually do feel that is the way we will go about it, releases feauring those common races such as it happened with the Orcs and goblins will be covered by Librarium Extra releases during the month! particularly for key races in RPGs such as Dwarves, elves and the like! I think its flexible enough to give it a try this month as well!


Honestly, I think what you are doing is great. Quality continues to improve, and although you have created a TON of battlers, I selfishly want you to continue so I can do an entire project in your battlers! There are some great ideas that you still have on the table and having the blend of animated and static battlers is a great mix. Keep up the great work, and I'll be sure to send you a copy of the demo when I finish up a few more touches :)


Thank you very much Anthony, glad to hear that! Haha looking forward to that!


I would choose the 4 animated monsters scheme. Although working on static battlers may mean that you could out more designs per release, I think they're a lot of static battlers available already (though there are many more that could be added, of course), and animated ones are in higher demand. Considering the amount of content we have in your style, some people may consider removing RTP style animated characters entirely in favour of your animated battlers (if using RM). I could personally use your battlers in other engines, in other genres and perspectives, so animated would be more useful in my case. Thanks for all your hard work!


Glad to hear we went down this route then! and yup, its actually more like I moved statics to be "Librarium Extras" rather than they being gone! Thanks for commenting!