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Hi everybody,

I'll have to apologize again but development has been more complicated than expected, due to both real life busy-ness, with my wife going back to work leaving me with having to take care of my newborn more than expected (Mother in law does help but good lord, why do chinese mother spend so much time cooking! She must be cooking at least 4 hours each day, stuck in the kitchen, but I digress...), as well as coding complexity which I didn't think about but as I was working on implementing my initial sex feature introduced in a previous dev log into actual gameplay and working on the first doggy anal scene, I've encountered a few more challenges which took me some time to overcome. It's still not finished but I have all the answers to my problems so far so it hope to be done soon.

If you played Lust Complex, you might have noticed that the animations were sometimes a bit clunky with feet or hands shaking uglily here and there, problem  which I want to fix in Glassix 2 to deliver the best quality animations as I can.

My current solution involve using mainly code rather than Unity animation system to anchor the problematic parts. As you can see from the short gif up, both the male and female feet and hands are now glued to their target and stay there even when moving the body around. I'll be able to use this new feature even in reused animation such as the Lust Complex shower animation which had shaky feet to freeze them in place.

The other challenge was to deliver more control over animations which I've solved by adding an amplitude slider along the usual speed slider. This new slider will allow you to go balls deeps into your asses' waifus or just tease their anus with the tip of your cock ♥ Or since this slider allows negative numbers, going negative will change the lead of the animation and you'll let the girl ram her ass unto your dick. That's the basic of it and it opens up some nice possibilities like adding a secret sweet spot depending on the girl's preferences which would speed up the pleasure gauge increase which will be added in later version since that'll require some nice and new cum feature which will take even more time to add...

Another control option which will come in the future too will be to be able to actually use the hands or feet to touch or slap other body parts or use sex toys... So much to add...

The last challenge was to improve the quality of those dynamic animations which I've partially finished which can be split into 3 sub points:

  • Details animation: It's not visible on the gif but the male's balls are actually moving depending on the speed and amplitude. Jingle bells! ♥ And of course, simulated boob physics too to come! Bouncing which will depend on speed, amplitude AND boob size of course!
  • Emotions and reactions: Have the girl smile or frown or go full ahegao once you hit that sweet spot, depending on the amplitude and speed and so on...
  • Talking: The log window opens up some nice possibilities already used in other games such as Karryn's prison or Lab Rats 2 and we'll have some nice sexy reactive talk too, with text to lip syncing animation. This one would come later though.

I would have a lot more to talk just about sex animations in Glassix 2 but I'll keep that for much later.

Besides the sex animations, I've also started to work on the spells, just to anticipate on the complexity it'll require and here again, there's a lot to talk about but I'll try to keep it short. I'll focus on 3 points again:

  • Old Glassix spells making a come back with updated gameplay: Most of them will be back and some with new gameplay, like the possession spell to actually control your target and play as him/her, the timestop spell allowing you to abuse whoever you want and so on... Many of you wanted this in Glassix but due to 2D limitations, it was not possible. 3D and Unity make this much easier to implement.
  • New spells: Still not sure of the list but the usual naughty ones like Invisibility or body parts growth as well as some new age related spells to make character older or younger magically or speed up a pregnancy... Lots of possibilities here too!
  • Profile management: In Glassix, you play only one story and the spell cost is quite linear. To make Glassix 2 more entertaining and roguelike, you'll be able to select spells when starting a new scenario and adapt them to the scenario objectives, but unlike Glassix, the cost of each spell will increase depending on the previous selected spells tiers, making the next one more and more expensive. Going this way, it'll be quite easy to take all the essential spells like doll mode but if you want to unlock everything, it'll take some time and playing lots of different scenarios.

Next version will only contain a few working spells like doll mode but all the ones I've been mentioned above will be shown in game to show my goals too.

That's about it for this post, I'll release a proper dev log with a video of the sex animations and spell interfaces asap.

Sorry again for this delay, several more days to be expected before release, I'll do my best to reduce this additional delay.

As a poor apology, I'll send the next version to all previous 10$+ patrons so if you're tight on money this month or disappointed about all those delays, feel free to cancel your pledge and you'll still receive the next version.

Thanks for your patience and support! 



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